Foundry Sphere Defense

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by StarElite616, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. StarElite616

    StarElite616 Ancient
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    I made most of this map a while ago and recently edited it to make it better.

    I haven't been on forgehub in a while... that being said, I don't know how this map would compare to others but I think it's a pretty cool concept if nothing else.

    What do you do: You shoot at soccer balls.
    Why? So you don't die.
    Where do you shoot from? A cage.
    How long do you have to survive to win? 10 minutes

    So yeah... here's some pictures...











    Map Download: : Halo 3 File Details

    Game Variant Download: : Halo 3 File Details

    I was thinking maybe making this exact system but with multiple teams and the balls cycle through 2 different areas. Then the first team that lets the ball past them loses and the other could keep going to rack up points or something like that.
  2. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    how dose the ball geting to the end kill you?
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Hmmm, interesting concept. I'll check it out and come back with a return review. Good first map post.

    In returning:

    While yes, an interesting concept, I found myself waiting along time for a ball to roll by me. The first one I was able to shoot to the lower path quiet easily, and then about a 10 or 15 seconds of sitting later two rolled on down. I was only able to shoot one of the balls off to the return ramp, as I am sure most people would only be able to shoot one of them.

    Overall, with some work I feel that it could be a fun game. But at the moment, it needs alot of work. Maybe have some other weapons come into play, like a brute shot, or rocket launcher. Maybe instead of having the player to the side of the ramp, have him in a little room above so he has more time to shoot at the balls. With some work, you could have a fun game.
    #3 Noxiw, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  4. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    At first glance, I thought this could potentially be another cheap spinoff my map, Dodgeball (I've been copied before) after a closer look I was pleasantly surpised. I really like the idea of having to push the balls away from you to survive, and would definitely suggest you upgrading this concept onto sandbox, where more resources would be available for you to use. For that, an interesting idea: how about you make a two sided one, where one team is on one side and another team on the other of the map. A ramp leads down the middle on which the balls run down with two channels; one for each team. The teams have to push the balls into the opposite players channel to wipe out the whole team.
    If you're more interested in the idea or can't visualise what I mean, let me know and I'll draw you a basic design to show you.

    Cheers and hope the map goes well,

  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    This map was amazing. And that is no light praise. Nothing needs to be changed in the map like the two people above me suggested. First one, then two, then three, then finally four balls come racing towards you. i found my self barely managing with my AR and suddenly, there was brute shots, grav hammers, and rockets! I got addicted to it and after playing it about 5 times i decided it was time to write a review. Oh and the mechanism is brilliant.

  6. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
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    Sweet idea. But still, Ten Minutes?! That's a long time. Maybe, 5 Minutes at the most. I mean, people are gonna get bored pretty fast. My "I Don't Wanna be on Fire" Map is only 2 minutes long, but 10 Rounds.

    Maybe if you have it like that, shorter, but with more rounds you could have quite a game there.

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