Gemoshi's Nachet Der Untoten

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by lightsin017, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Gemoshi' s Nacht Der Untoten

    Well This is My first Post On ForgeHub and I've seen a lot of Great Maps So i Hope my Remake Of Nacht Der Untoten the mini game from CoD:WaW is good enough to be one of those great maps u see on here

    For The Gametype "Undead" its fairly based for both human and zombie but there must be only 4 humans at all times so u must fix the zombie setting for how many people are in ur game

    Nacht Der Untoten

    Side View

    Starting Area

    Door To Help Room

    Stairs to second floor

    Second floor

    Second Floor above help Room

    Stairs To Help Room

    Help Room



    Birds Eye View of the Map[​IMG]

    I Hope Everyone Enjoys my First Map on ForgeHub

    Thanks to: CowBoyPickle23, Master Debayter , PedoBearRAWR , Leprechaun0lord , Bangyerdead2
    For Testing Out the Map

    Map (Nachet Der Untoten):

    Gametype (Undead):

    GameType Fixed and Couches fixed

    Lets see if u can survive XP

    I Put alot of Hard Work On this map it took me Months to Complete and Accurate Verison

    I Know There is No Roof But u Cant go over it I wasted the Object Limit

    #1 lightsin017, Sep 4, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  2. pwnthezombie

    pwnthezombie Ancient
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    It looks good, but without a roof it looks escapeable.

    Oh and it's Nacht, not Nachet.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    ...That's because it HAS a roof... staff, how is this any less spam than saying "it could use more interlocks" or "ill give it a dl?"

    Regardless, these things have been made a million times, and aesthetically it's a good map, but the reason why I'm even against Halo 2 (Let alone Call of Duty) remakes, is because the two games do not play the same. Regardless of the settings made, you can't create Call of Duty. Anyways, it was a VERY good first post, and I applaud you for reading the rules before posting and making a quality map. More new members should be like you.
  4. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    Hey I remember playing this with you the other night. It was a great map as far as staying true to the CoD map, but as far as gameplay went, it wasn't at its best. I spawned in the exact same spot every time as a zombie, and never got to see any of the other windows or anything. Also, humans could get out of the windows, but i am not sure if this was fixed or not. Also, it seemed almost impossible for zombies to kill the humans because of how big the map is. Overall though, it was alright, but unless those three things were fixed, I don't see this being the best **** Zombies map out there. Good luck.
  5. argornash 350

    argornash 350 Ancient
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    hey im argornash im also new im almost ready to post my version, other than the windows and the outside it's incredibly acurate--now i have tested it--the things i like: balconies,stairs,and the random weapon box--the things i dont like:windows, doors,weapons,and the outside but your still very good, keep forging and no offence :)
    #5 argornash 350, Sep 4, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  6. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Thank u For ur Comments and bos45redsox everything is fixed humans cant escape at all because there is no roof doesnt mean u can just jump over it when u have 200% jump on , the gametype is fair for both humans and zombies also.
    #6 lightsin017, Sep 4, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  7. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    hey just a quick tip make the zombie count for your gametypw 75%.. the reason being if the oartys full u have 4 humans.. if its not the human count will go down acording to zmbie so it will be an even play... ya whatever u get it but looks nice i accually made my own version which in my opinion was really close replica of the realt hing.. it was awsome but somehow it got deleted it pissed me off!!!!!.. but ur map looks great to. could use some ansthetic work like a crumbled roof and so on but nice. oh and can u tech me how u made ur random box.. cuz to me it looks like a switch but i want to know for sure on how it works and if it throws a random weapon out. idk thats why i wanna know
  8. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    accurate wise this is by far, by Far the best remakee of the map. and just to let you know, you can get out of wall hlafs even with 200 gravity. i still think there could be some changes. i think the doors are great but should open alot sooner. i had atough time getting to the upstairs and never go tto even see the help room. i suggest 45 or i min fo rthe first door. and 90 sec for the second door. and on the doors make the grav lifts outside the map. (it looks better).
    the staircase, is pretty good but i prefer mine over it. the sniper cabinet. fantastic. that is the most creative idea ever. and make the zombies alittle bit easier to kill not much but alitlle.Overall it is a fantastic map and i think it could be the best with some minor changes. the way you kept the accuracy is increadible. i mean seriously you have every detail.

    and benzu- maybe a roof would make this map better but have you actually looked through this map. uhh probably not. yes mine is a very good remake but i think that this map might beat it. dont judge maps unless you actually play them. this map is pretty fun to play on but i think the custum powerup should spawn after 30 or 45 not at start. the zombies started way to strong with that.
    #8 cowboypickle23, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  9. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Thank u for ur Comments I will Fix the changes to the map soon

    Im Creating a New Type Of **** Zombies map my style with a "roof" It will be called " Angst-Blutsturm " which takes place in sandbox its about 45% complete
    #9 lightsin017, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  10. Xfiresin

    Xfiresin Ancient
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    o.o wow it looks exactly looks like the NachtDerUntoten!!!!!!!!!!!!! rate: 10/5 me and my friends love this map we cant wait to see a sequel if u can do one
  11. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Thx u For ur Comments

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