today my father came home he got an email for like 40 charges for $60 my father called right now idk wuts happening plz leave sugestions!! pLZ!!!!!
I think he meant that his fathers bank or money account got hacked and the hacker bought 60$ worth of stuff using it.
Or what, using microsoft points? If its Microsoft related, call Customer Support ASAP, tell them your account has been hacked, and to disable it or recover it for you. For the money call the bank and tell them its identity fraud.
First, you need to purchase a subscription to Hooked on Phonics. Second, make a thread called, "My account has been hacked wut should i do ?! plz help!". Third, cancel and stop all charges on the credit card.
Did you not read the bungie message? Giving out your credit card number will NOT get you recon. You need to have a serious talk with your parents on how to avoid identity theft. Because xbox live, you can't ****ing hack someone on there. The only way they could have gotten this is if you gave them info that you shouldn't have given them. It's like the kid who clicks on the "YOU WON" ads on websites.
Lol you got hacked! Try to cancel the credit card. Don't fail so hard at making passwords next time!!
You do realise that there are several cases where the 'hacker' just called Microsoft and said they lost their password. Microsoft just gives 'em the password and bam! In your account. Trust me when I say that almost nobody is stupid enough to give away credit card numbers. Let alone a kid who probably doesn't even know the number. EDIT: And I forgot about the hexes that pretend to be Microsoft and ask you to sign in.
yes my GT was hacked. The hacker got 4 charges of 60 buks of MS points. yes my father froze his credit card. and i didnt give away ne info. my bro thinks i got hacked cuz i do this stuff on the comp. Xbox is investegating hopefully i get my account back. (cant recover it).
Better English, but still... Take an extra minute to type words properly. Now, as Bungie has said before, the only way you could be "hacked" is if you gave away your E-mail/password/credit card number to another person. This is why you should have a second email for everything other than Xbox Live, and have a different password, mostly numbers and letters, Case sensitive. No one can give you Recon through your Email. EVERY ACCOUNT that plays a game on Halo, gets an account with Bungie. Not a forum account, but an account indeed. This account is what they use to track your blackmarks, give you Recon, ban you, etc. tl;dr I laugh at you because you are whining about something you did to yourself.
Jesus ****. Are every single one of you retarded? Bungie doesn't know every single way to get an account. Having the credit card details doesn't even allow you access to your account. I could tell you my credit card number and the name of my account and you'd never be able to get on my account. You'd be able to use my credit card though. Now, using that piece of logic that Zander, Bluejay and Hari all failed to grasp, we can figure out that since our friend here can't access his account that means that he has been 'hacked'. Finally, 'hacking' accounts is incredibly easy if someone puts a little effort into it. First of, the 'hacker' can phish your account by pretending to be Microsoft. I'm sure your thinking that it's something like recieveing an e-mail asking you to reconfirm your account etc. But it isn't. It's literally when you go to, or any site where you can sign in to your Xbox account, they pretend to be them. Microsoft knows this and have even put up warnings about this. They tell you to be carefull when signing into your Xbox account. The other method is literally one that caused a massive shitstorm. I believe it was an MLG player that got hacked when he got Recon. The Hacker even posted how he got the account because it was so pathetic. He literally called Microsoft and said he lost his accounts password and e-mail. That's it. Nothing harder then a phone call. People even checked to se eif they were even asked the question that you have to fill out. While some did get asked the question to their account, others didn't. Now, will you stop being retarded pricks. Sorry about all the insulting but they deserved it. Not so much Zander or Hari but Bluejay definetly deserved since my post explaining it is right above.
I wanna be there when you get hacked so I can lol at you too. Ive been hacked before, not ****ing funny.