Anyone else hate how some people have ridiculous stereotypical attitudes because you enjoy a game? And while yes, this is a Halo versus Call of Duty example, it's between me, who is a great fan of both but I prefer Halo, and an obvious Call of Duty fanboy disguising himself as a normal person with half of a brain, followed by the usual 4 person party. I join the party, as my friend is there. I did not expect these people to be there, I hated them, but I attempt to go along with it. I, playing Halo, tell my friend about the new griffball game. This person proceeds to ask me why I am playing Halo 3? I respond that I think it is the best game out there in my opinion for the shooter genre. He begins to tell me that Call of Duty is far better than Halo 3. I ask him specifically, what reasons do you have to say Halo 3 is worse than Call of Duty. He responds saying that Halo 3 was good when it came out, but now Call of Duty is the best game ever. He then says that it is the most played online game ever. I argue that with the return of CoD MW:2 it is going to have an increase in server population naturally, as did Halo 2 with Halo 3 and GoW with GoW2. He believes right then and there that I am completely wrong, and that CoD has always been and will always be the most played game over Xbox Live. I tell him these numbers do not mean so much, as A. He is quoting numbers someone just told him about current standings of usage within the month, and B. the number of people that play the game do not make the game. I ask politely for sources, of which he refuses to give. He dodges this question for the rest of the conversation. The next problem I tell him to give specific reasons why Call of Duty is better than Halo 3. He replies saying that there is less lag, better graphics, the game is better, and more people play it. I argue, stating that while his reason of graphics is to the beholder and as such I respect that as a valid response, while the other three answers he has no valid support for. I ask him to give me specific reasons why the game is better. He continues to say Halo 3 is old and dead and that it is only for custom games, and supports no actual online competitive or MLG usage. I attempt to correct him, but for another three minutes as I try to calm his party down, he refuses but to insult me saying that I am an arrogant idiot dumber than anyone else in my school (as we are in the same small school system), and that I should leave the party because I am so stupid and have not half a mind. If you wish as to read a story that goes further, but progressing way beyond just videogames, read on into the spoiler. Spoiler He then tells me I have no social life and that I have no social skills. I attempt to tell him that while I have no life, I do have social skills of which I do not show many at said school due to the fact that they are too mannered for anyone of my age group in school to find natural, and so I tell him that while I could participate in their style of social behavior I choose to walk a lonely road because I do not want to become mixed in the affairs of these students. He responds by saying there is no way in god's name that I may have any social skills, upon which my "friend" starts agreeing. I at that point, finding any further communication pointless and useless with such barbarics that I bid them adeu, and leave the party. Yes when I mentioned my "friend" those quotations were meaningful, the only reason I'm friends with the person is he is the only person at my school other than I to be able to play half decent in videogames, and he has no online bias to games. While he is a rather jerk himself, I try to ignore such and as to why my friend doesn't notice my social behavior is the same reason no one else does. My manners to him appear as me abandoning him for other people, and being anti-social due to hanging out with people he dislikes. Who are actually my real friends, that I have none to trouble as to act politely and socially to without having a problem. At least in a grade of sixty there are five people that do not act as stuck up and all high and mighty as others. Do not bother discussing my social "problems" if you wish, I am merely writing for a bigger point. Ontopic: I notice that when people are fans of a game to the point where there brains either have already rotted or do start rotting, not due to overplaying of the game, but to worshiping as if it is life, they follow a pattern. 1. Act kindly and try to get you to accept forgiveness for your varied views and opinions. 2. They next blatantly shout random facts about game sales. 3. They start insulting you, with no on topic discussion, especially if you try to return to the discussion. 4. They invite some friends to help proove their point that their game is "best." When asking questions to these people: 1. They first actually answer the question, or so it seems. They are actually giving a pathway to you. 2. They follow this pathway to changing the subject to sales or graphics, the two least important and most manipulable facts of a videogame. 3. They refuse to give any sources, other than, "Isn't it obvious?" 4. They answer your questions with insults. Common signs these conversations are going to begin: 1. The person starts acting like they think they are all that. They are attempting to appear bigger than you so that they can scare you into playing their game. This could also just be a person trying to look good in a game, not a fanboy. 2. They talk about how awesome they are at the game. While you can say this and not be a fanboy, fanboys will always say this. 3. They begin insulting you if you bring up an opinion of another game. 4. They constantly change subjects from one main point. 5. They claim they have unbiased opinions and that they never say their game is better than others. If these conversations begin, please do as I shall from now on. Even if you were enjoying a conversation with your friends prior to this, just leave the party or game. These rants end up having the fanboy bringing you down to their level so they can appear to have beat you with experience, whether you actually won the battle or not. They are a waste of energy to all and should just be ignored to live in their own world peacefully. I know this seems obvious to people that play more online, but to anyone that is new and seems to be caught in these battles or often play alone as to not have had experience with these people, do as I do, and just leave. It is a war that, while can be won, will never be accepted as such. Even if it means giving that moron that smirk on his face for "convincing" you to leave, it is really the only option. I know right now those people are surely still talking about how I am a whiny arrogant idiot who knows nothing. I know when I get to school he is going to try to make me feel like crap and is going to turn the school against me, as will my "friend." But I've learned to deal with these things. If you want to have a social life in school leave before it starts. If had just left in the beginning they would be in none a better position to insult me when school returns then now. While an obvious point to some, don't say obvious, to newer members of lives my story is written as example. Spoiler On the bright side I can't wait till after labor day. I enjoy having a personal competition to judge who insults me the best on the day I get back. I kinda dragged it out for said reason. Let's hope they mock themselves as they do each time, by saying blatant facts or facts with no structure, like no-life, geek, nerd, and idiot. I am most proud when they call me a geek or a nerd, and when I can tell they are about to say so I get their attention and talk to another person, reminding them I am a geek and nerd and proud, and then I watch that hater to see the confused face on their look. It's nice being the only geek in a school of jocks, even if lonely. Edit: And just to make a further point, I listed some reasons where I think Call of Duty excels over Halo and he still doesn't even use those facts. Just saying to prove I am not a one point kind of person.
I think that you are taking XBL just a little too seriously. I personally just mute somebody at the first sign of annoyance.
I understand why you say that, but the story gets deeper than that. I meet these types of people in real life and most of what I say can be related to those discussions, like how sports are better for you than videogames. Or how I think novels are better than movies. So while this may directly belong in gaming discussion, it does apply to other discussion of life as well. And as for muting, I would, but muting an entire party would be pointless. I would have two people left to talk to, each of which also talking with the others, and it would simply lead to confusion. So I suppose that in the case of one or two people muting is the better action, but in a group of four or more haters, I'm going to leave still, as energy wasted is energy poorly spent.
Good for you. It happens to everyone, in games and life. Just ignore it and live on with your life...or game.
I read the first bit and you sound like an anal-retentive douche so I stopped. Can you sum it up please?
I read about half of that then decided to tl;dr the other half. Basically, a grand majority of the kids that play Xbox Live are uneducated elitist retards who don't know jack **** about anything so they have to make **** up just to make them feel better than someone else. A little word of advice: Ignorance is bliss.