So, I was playing Halo 3 about a week ago (August 23, 2009) when the colors on my T.V started to mess up. I had all of these weird patches of color flowing across my screen (mostly red, blue, and green). So I figured it was a problem with my T.V. I tried reconnecting cables and all of that junk you do first, but no luck. However, now when I reconnected it there is just a black screen with a bunch of white dots flying across the screen, still audio though, and I have full control over the system. So, I hit up Google. Turns out that this is a fairly common problem. No site that I have come across has found a fix besides calling Micro$oft and paying 90 bucks for repairs. I am going to attempt to fix this myself over the next week or so. I will post my findings on here whether I was successful or not. If I do successfully fix this, I will post a video tutorial on how to fix it. <-----PS: Feel free to contact me over AIM if you need help or have any suggestions, but need a quicker response.
Try getting a new Adapter? Or if you have HDMI and weren't using it before and your TV is compatible try that.
I think I had a similar problem before, with the red, blue, and green patches. However, after restarting my xbox, I got the E74 error, not white and black dots. I tried replacing the component cable, but that did not work. I'm not sure if your xbox will red ring or anything, but it could. (Well, that kinda goes without saying.)
Well, I actually talked to Microsoft and they have agreed to fix it for free, so I'm gonna send it in first. So, if they don't fix it, THEN Ill try lol.
no I do not, I know what the problem is/what's causing it. It's basically the same thing that causes the RRoD, just a bit different.
My friend had this problem with his 360 and he opened it up, voiding the warranty. Not only could he not fix it, but MS won't repair it now. If your warrantyu has expired, it costs roughly £60 to fix. The problem is caused by a major malfunction of the GPU.
Yeah that same thing happened to me, Lights, E74, shipped into microsoft =/ i think thats about all you can do
This same thing happened to me, I just didn't bother calling them and my 1 year warranty ran out the month before. Plus the 3 year warranty is only for RROD. So in the end I just went online, lied and said I had red rings and horaay, they fixed it. BTW I didn't get any error code thing, it just stayed black with white dots.
Being on the topic of screen errors with the Xbox, if anyone has Supreme Commander, after you save or end a game, does your screen sometimes go dark green/black, but you can still access the dashboard?