These are all of my screenshots, I will be adding on to this as I create more. -Tell me what your favorites are. -If you want me to put up a tutorial for any of these pm me. Spoiler Pyro (GUIDE) Jurassic Park Cool CSG Golden Armor Into The Darkness Gold Hero Foundry At Night Castle Crashers Xbox Fire Reconz Sketch Happy B-day Octogon Cosmic Om Nom Nom WTF?? Not all of these pictures are in my file share, but here is a link. Previous GT's -Storm42494 -OMG Its Storm -Disturbed916 -Maggot 4 Life -Zombies R Us
Am i right in believing that like 4 of those have been bungie favourites. Anywa that's a great gallery, everything is unique in some way.
Some of these are pretty good. None of the staged shots are anything special but Jurassic Park,Xbox, and Om nom nom are creative and original.
Xbox is just genius... I would have never thought of doing that ever. Such an amazing idea... Reconz is a little blurry and kinda pointless....
My favorites are, in this order; golden armour 8.5/10 xbox 8/10 csg 8/10 pyro 7/10 They rest are just meh. BTW you're supposed to put download links so we know that you didn't edit them/their yours.