I've just recently started taking screenshots and I would like to know if any of these are a good start. Thanks for the help and advice, I appreciate it.
Excellent start but you should know that these effects are over used. I like how you used the effects well but you need some original effects. Great Start though
Okay thanks. I'll definetly be experementing with different objects, hopefully I will find some cool effects. I've also been looking at the different effects people have been sharing and I'm going to use some of those too.
Yeah, its a nice start, but you should check this section: Screenshot Guides. If you wan't to learn how to do some effects.
They are. Focus on developing actual photography skills, and generating an all-round nice image, that is clean, without too much exposure. Don't just think that because its wierd / unexplainable / wacky colours or whatever that it's good. These are heading in the right direction.
I like the second one the best. Mainly because of the background, and the spartan is pretty well defined. Overall it is pretty simple and I like that. But that is coming from a guy who doesn't know much about taking screenshots, so take it for what its worth. Keep working at it and you will come up with some nice pics.