Alright, I've been working on this map since Sandbox came out a little bit at a time every once in a while. I immediately wanted to see some BTB in the Skybubble. You'll probably be able to tell from the pics that the breaks I took made it into a bit of a mix-matched map, but now I'm getting down to business on it. It looked a lot different last week; I've made a lot of changes. I think I've just worked on it so long without anyone seeing it that I want to give it some recognition. Plus I could use some opinions from y'all. As of yet, I'm undecided on the name, but it'll be either Burzum (meaning Darkness in J.R.R Tolkien's black speech and also a favorite band of mine) or Dimmu or Dimmu Borgir (meaning Dark Castles, an area in Iceland and also one of my favorite bands). Remember, nothing you see here is definite. Welcome Overview Blue Base/Hemisphere: The side closest to you in the picture has the wall slits placed vertically, the other side has them placed horizontally. Which way do you think looks better? Outpost Outpost Bridge Red Base Red Base Red Base: The back wall is a lift From the Bridge to the Red Base, these areas are up for extreme remodeling; They look too out of place for my liking. I have somewhat of a concept for the new Red Base, but if any of you have any ideas I would love to hear them. You can also join a game with me while I'm forging if you want. I will give all due credit, of course. Thanks for viewing and please, tell me what you think or of any suggestions you have. EDIT: Sorry, I did forget to mention that this is not budget glitched and I deleted all the default objects, not knowing much about the OLN when Sandbox was first released. I only have 6 objects left with this sorry to those who really do like this layout, because I'm going to have to change at least a few things. I'll make sure you enjoy it just as much though, no worries.
The map appears very aesthetically pleasing. However, don't get too carried away with looks. Remember that gameplay should be your primary focus in maps.
Looks beautiful, but I see no way, unless you double the size of this map, that you'll be able to support Big Team (Which I consider 6v6+). Purely not enough places to maintain spawns.
yes it definitely has bigger if you want BTB. i can see 4v4 though as is. the forging looks very nice, great job on that. looks like a cool map that id like to play. EDIT: is green the only way out? if you can get out blue side too, that makes the distance between bases much closer. if its possible with budget/items, you could make like a hole and ramp where i have black, where you could have like a basement room that comes out somewhere, maybe where i have the other black.
B-A-U-tiful! I'm not really worried about gameplay because usually even the greatest forged maps don't feature fun gameplay. This on the other hand, looks decent. I like the 45 degree sloped and the fancy red base and that wierd hemisphere. Release the map and let me download it!
I am really digging this layout. I don't post on previews much at all, if at all, but this one caught my eye. This is the kind of layout I love most, and when this map is completed I will be more than happy to turn on my xbox for the first time in weeks and get a game on this rolling. A phenomenal layout, I hope you don't go overkill on this map. Take your time, its seemed to have worked well so far.
If it's unlimited budgeted, this is nothing to be proud of. If it isn't, then you've done a great job aestheticly wise, but I'm worried about gameplay.
Actually, this does look pretty forgasmic!!! I love the natural flow to the map instead of the novice square look. This could work out to be a good Squad battle style map, but BTB is a little iffy. I just don't have enough confidence in the skybubble for it to even support the necessary surface area when you have to use objects for the flooring. But...Good luck!!!!
Very, very impressive aesthetics... that arch is amazing. Looks like you have planned it well and constructed it even better Is there only one route to the red area? That could be a gamebreaker.
All i have to say is beastly amazing looking, and very clean, i have to agree with the btb though, you may need to either A. move red base back more and create a larger area or B. use red base as a kinda mid point and create more room behind it (if you have the budget for that) It does look like a very impressive 4v4 but if there isn't more than one way to each base it will be kinda dull.
Just to clear some things up... The bridge (as of now) is the only way between bases, and I realize that's not exactly going to work. Wood, you can travel from the Hemisphere across the tube pieces, and there is open space underneath the Hemisphere, but there is obviously no hole. I'll consider implementing this, thanks for the idea and taking the time to illustrate. I am out of budget and only have 7 items left, without any spawns (way to delte the default items, /facepalm). Things are going to have to be redesigned a bit I'm afraid, sorry to those who really like this layout (amoeba). I won't disappoint though, this is going to be a good map.
I remember when you showed this to me awhile back. Looking really good. When I get on later send me an invite and show me, I wanna check this out for myself.
This looks like a loose cross between Ascension and Lockout. This looks really great, but it needs more options on how to get around the map. Players need options so the game doesn't become a total cluster **** in the middle of the map.
This map actually made me say "wow!" verbally. The layout and aesthetics and placement of everything just looks so awesome. One of the most aesthetically pleasing maps that i have seen in a long time. Sure, other maps have cool looking things and maybe a centerpiece, but this entire thing looks 10x better than just the added aesthetic centerpieces. The pathways are just so interesting looking and makes me want to try it out.
This map has amazing potential and the blue side looks phenomenal! However, the entire red side looks out of place. May I suggest that you completely remodel the base, in order to use less objects as well as to loosen up space for spawns, weapons, etc..... Or, you could angle the bridge more towards the outpost, and moving the red base to connect to the outpost as well, making it more accessible. Oh and about your question, if the hemisphere looks better horizontal or vertical, I think that horizontal looks better.
the red base.......its so sexy............I want it. jokes aside,as mentioned in the first post,It looks good,but you need to focus gameplay. Everyone should,but most dont.
Yep, so far I've deleted the enitre Red Base and the bridge for the exact reasons you've posted. I'll maybe post pics of what I've come up with in its stead later tonight. And thanks for the insight on the wall slits, :happy:.