Funny story about this stock of this siggy. Piggles and I actually kill each other during the photo shoots to make it look realistic. At this exact point, I threw a grenade at him, lowered most of his shield, and took exactly three shots with the magnum to kill him (with a headshot). Ironically, while killing him I said: "Bip! Bap! BAM!" It was pretty epic. Once again, another of the same style. I think I'm done for a little while. Lol.
Just as incredible as the last 100 or so. Except the clipping mask on the right and the red effect doesn't look too good.
The pink lightning around him is somewhat distracting. BTW, tutorial on this style. Please. Get to it O_O
Seconded. Even though you use Photoshop (I think) and I'm on hoboshop, some things would transfer. Maybe.... *Cries*
haha great text! and the clipping masks and borders i love! although i do have to agree about the pink wisp being kinda distracting, but IMO thats ok
As far as sigs go, GIMP is very close to being just as powerful as PS. Except for that making CMasks takes longer, and there's no liquefy filter. But GIMP does have selective Gaussian blur, where as PS doesn't. Also, pretty much all PS tutorials transfer over to GIMP, as long as you know GIMP's filters well enough to re-create some of the lens effects in PS.
I'll make a tutorial later today after I get back home. I'll probably do it off this one because the other one was compressed and I can't get it back to where it shows all of the layers. Since people want me to go in depth, I guess I'll have to take a bit longer on it. Anyways, expect it later today.