
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Xanaduu, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. Xanaduu

    Xanaduu Ancient
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    Hey everyone been coming here for awhile now before even the legendary maps were out and have been making my own puzzle maps for my friends for quite some time. I recently embarked on making a puzzle map that was actually worthy of being posted on this site.

    My problem is stemming from a gravlift that I have you able to grab at open will. I don't want you to be able to have more than one of them. IE throwing one running back and grabbing a new one and throwing it on top of that.

    Even if you set the timer at 180 you can still wait that 180 seconds then throw the first grav lift and run back and grab another one is destroyed over time.

    So my question is, is there a way to make it so the piece of equipment wont spawn until say 30 seconds after the equipment has been thrown and not just start the 30 second respawn after the equipment has been picked up

    Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions

  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    have it never spawn,or change the run time minimun o one,and have it so the other one on the map doesnt spawn until ten seconds in.
  3. Xanaduu

    Xanaduu Ancient
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    Sorry I didn't clarify I want you to be able to grab it again just not be able to grab it and wait for however long the respawn is set at throw it and grab another one before the first one has a chance to disappear the puzzle is kind of trial and error you won't get it right on your first try
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    maybe mess around with min on map, other than that, i dont think its possibe...
  5. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    This could work. Set the gravlift so that it never spawns. Then change the runtime minimum to 1, the runtime max should already be 1. Then immediately when there is no gravlift on the map it spawns a new one. I think thats what your asking for? The only problem is it might consider it "used up" and spawn a new one as soon as you throw the first one.
  6. Xanaduu

    Xanaduu Ancient
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    Alright well I finally got it to work what I ended up having to do was put a kill ball under the floor in the area that you could cheat if you had two grav lifts so if you threw a grav lift there it would destroy it automatically making it impossible to stack two of them where I didn't want you to be able to. Thanks everyone that posted replies and tried to help :)

  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    What's to stop someone just bringing the 2nd grav lift with them to the next challenge though?

    Grav lifts are one of the hardest pieces of equipment to use in a puzzle map. I'm always very careful about using them, I make sure I definitely want to use them, and then I usually tailor the surrounding puzzles to it to compensate for breaks. Like, for instance, I would make it so you have to take another grav lift with you for the next puzzle, that way you couldn't take even more with you. Or maybe make it so you have to die in the next puzzle so you can't take one with you, that kinda stuff.

    Good luck.

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