Killtop, think hilltop, think highs and lows, think falling fire and narrow victories. Killtop gets its name from the idea that the high ground will always win. points of interest include never ending fusion barrels that spawn high above the sword, until 150 seconds, when fence walls block off the stream, opening up the channel to the blade. i recommend this map for free for all slayer up to 6 people, or team slayer. i have taken the time to customize this map to work for 1 Flag CTF, crazy King, Territories and 1 sided assault as well. Weapons: Br: 8 Ar: 3 SMG: 2 Spike rifle: 2 Sword: 1 Shotgun: 1 Brute shot: 1 Mauler: 2 Sniper Rifle: 1 Magnums: 2 Plasma rifle: 2 Frags: 6 Plasma: 2 Machine gun turret: 1 Fuel rod: 1 Plasma turret: 1 Bubble Shield: 1 Radar jammer: 1 Regen: 1 Power Drain:1 a never end stream of fusion barrels fall down, protecting the sword. at 150 seconds, fence walls spawn, shielding the sword from the constant rain of fire. ride the man cannons.... and get rewarded.... all is never safe
So, lag city? Fun. Naw, looks like a good map though. Nice use of interlocking. Due to the 100 custom content item limit, I don't have room for this, or else I'd give it a test drive.
great concept but the fusion coils will over lag the game. Putting them on 10-20 sec respawn will limit the lag, but still, great map