I've just absolutely fallen in love with Geoffrey, we go everywhere together. Yesterday we went for a picnic and I think I realised, as I gazed at the sunlight bouncing off his polished head, I'd found the man for me and we were going to spend the rest of saturday with each other. I can't mention the actual names of the people I associate with for legal reasons.
Chaotic, Cerberus, Xylom, Agamer, Blu, Bwendon, Dow, Ellement, Flair, Shockwave, Hectic, Jeef, Slik, Yavimayan
Uh, I play Castle Crashers with Vorpal, I play Customs with Addy, play random games with Deathtoll77, back in the day, I played in Vice's TGIF every time he hosted... I play with xXPuRpL3CoBrA3Xx a lot in Halo and online demos of games he wish he had but traded in for some stupid reason. I play with the friends I know in real life mostly, and sit there wishing I got an invite from someone so I can stop playing "Hog the Hill" for the umpteenth time. Good map, but the worst thing to show to my friends since Clue.
AceOfSpades0707, Scobra (Bwendon), Agamer are usually the guys I talk to the most. I don't really need to meet anyone else though.
aww, touching. Anyway lets see here, Hells, ZCT, Bluejay, Tuber, H monster(Hari), E(EGP) thats really it...the rest of my people are there for practical purposes.
DeathToll, know him like since I joined. And Xanon. Moreover, there is Cryptokid, Sotha Sil, Arbacce, davetherave, bahh, the cheat, vorpal saint, Whats a scope, zombievillan, Catmon, careye0, Dow, Devinish, Lone Deity, QKT, TDHarding, Textured Sun... and the people not on my friends list whom I know really well/ who used to be on my fl: Roche, AmercanPsycho, Phreakie, Adelyss, sexy dude, twisted gaming. That should be it.
I just realized I haven't really mad that many friends here I just talk to anyone who willing to talk or whatever.
I'll always have a love for certain individuals... Shad0w Pegasi Chips Tusk Shock Sarge squid Dom Creepy Nemi Norlinsky reynbow Blood CommanderMatt Creeping Drawing Goodwhale HPM iRaynne Linou Albyhouse Mastar Chron tsb vorpal waylander whisper y35 ...but I really lost touch at a certain point... My fault, this I know. Although, I just hope they all understand one thing: Life is priority one.
tbh i'm friends not even like internet e-pals with anyone on this site. i have no people whom I share common interests with on this site, and the closest thing to an "e-pal" I had was Matty and that was a WAYYYY long time ago, before he was loyal. He sold out. ;D