Are you a new member? Are you looking to increase your posts? Do you want your first introduction to be sweet? Then follow these steps. 1. Introduce yourself. Tell us why you picked out your username. If you just chose it randomly, what you'd prefer us to call you instead. It'll make it much simpler! For example: Kira: Hi there guys, my name is Kira. I found the name interesting because it's Japanese for Killer. Also, it's the nickname of one of my favorite anime characters. 2. Tell us why you joined Forge Hub. There must be a reason! Did you like a map and then wanted to learn more from our members? Did you join because you wanted to post your new map? Or are you looking for a new Halo forum, or a new comunity to chill with? Kira: I just joined because I saw that bungie had something cool to say about this site that I was interested about. Something about a 2v2 tournament. Maybe I should submit a registration so I can find a partner. 3. Tell us about your hobbies. Sports, video games, hanging with friends? Anything! Kira: Oh... I really love the Final Fantasy series. I also like Swimming, the Olympics havn't been a disappointment so far. =)4. Give us a conclusion: Every introduction must have a conclusion... However this one just ends the introduction. You must have some way to be happy about the new forums you just joined because well... why are you here then? Kira: I'm really looking forward to a good time at this forum. I hope you guys are nice to noobs, unlike the Bungie forums that I really dislike. Can you guys show me where to start off?
Wow... Nice job on this Kira, I'm sure a lot of new members will like too read this and maybe some people won't be afraid too post and introduce them selfs too the community.
Also, after someone posts an introduction: Be a jerk to the noob I can see you're new here. You misspelled (correct grammar). I don't like you, and you won't do well here. You should probably leave now Be genuinely friendly Hey welcome. I'm excited to hear about (something specific about the person in post). Message me with any questions. Be artificially friendly Welcome! If you want to see this, go here (links to every part of the forums as though you're some sort of navigation device). +Rep me for my troubles here's how (Instructions to rep as though he's MapQuest). Private Message me if you have any troubles or couldn't understand how to +rep. Welcome again (full name and address and other info, AIM, Skype, detailed schedule of when they're on XBL the rest of the month, how to +rep again) Spam Welcome Unrelated You guys see Phelps last night? Semi-Unrelated Hey welcome. (Something specific to the person) You guys see Phelps last night? Self-Promoter Well welcome to my fan club. Here's how to +rep me. Someday you'll have as many posts as me. Good luck. (More asshole-ish-ness). Thanks, Sampson Yep, I'm the douche bag. Just kidding, but nice job Kira. Just thought I should compliment it with a guide of my own.
Thanks guys. I actually made this out of pure boredom, but after I read step two and three I actually started to take this more seriously. ((As you can see I think step 4 is a failure, but who the hell wants a four step program anyways?)) I actually didn't think anyone would use this guide really, but Dark Lite proved me wrong. =) Thanks once again guys, I hope to bring some more help to the community after I get back to school. ((Strangely, I come up with great ideas during the time.))
This really made me laugh, I hate it when Someone posts these "generic posts" where every posts sounds the same and they all of a sudden trying to get too the loyal rank. Giving links too every part of the forums like you said. Nice job, on this great thread that you made Kira, and Murdock Sampson for the great post.
yeah there's a lot of artificial ppl out there, who are just going for rep, posts, and loyal. its really stupid.
1.Hey everyone,this is Star of Knights,I chose my name because it is a custom in my clan to change your name to a four letter word before of knights.For ex. Rise of Knights,Star of Knights,or Fury of Knights. 2.I joined forgehub because I was on bungie and seen something about it and I was really wanted to get into forging a lot more and wanted to get to know everybody around the website. 3.My hobbies are basketball,baseball,football,riding dirtbike and fourwheelers,playing halo and cod4 and cod5,hunting and fishing. 4.I am 15 years old and I live in Kentucky 5.Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction and I hope to get to know everybody on forgehub abd hopefully we become friends and start to play together on x-box.
Hey how you guys doing, my name here is Art Vandalay, but I more commonly go as Matt. The name comes from the show Seinfeld, one of my favorite TV shows, and I thought it was kind of appropriate considering it stands for a made up alter ego of George Costanza being an architect haha. I joined Forge Hub because I have been trying to make new maps in the forge for quite some time now, but never really had an effective place to post them, get reviews for it, and have it generally seen by the halo community. I am also looking to become a Video Game Designer, as that is the career I am pursuing in college right now, so I figured this is as good a start as any. My hobbies include but are not limited to Ice and Roller hockey, pick-up football, video games, watching movies, listening to music...the basics for any kid my age... ...I am 18 years old, and live in Oceanside NY on Long Island. Even though I live by a beach, I don't go to it that often lol go figure. Well, not much else to say here, I just hope to find what I was looking for here at the website. If anybody needs help reviewing a map maybe or wants to take a look at any mine once i start posting one or two, let me know via PM or whatever...Happy Forging!
1.Hey, I'm xboxfreak, I chose my name because my friends kept calling me that when i stayed in my basement this winter. 2.I joined forgehub because I make ALOT of maps and I looked on this site and it seems the easiest way to be noticed. 3.My hobbies are baseball ,football ,soccer , and Halo 3. 4.I am 13 years old and I live in New Jersey. 5.Thanks for reading my post I hope that we can become friends.
hey im Harry and im 15 and im sorta new i haven't been on forgehub much and just wanted to no were to kick off ive been looking at some of the forgeing 101 (mispelt?) and they re good but was also wanting to no how to get my rank up so please post back with the what-to-know stuff thanks.
If i am right, i believe that this is just a turorial into making your own introductuion. I thibnk you're meant to go and make your own intro following these guidlines. I may be wrong though
Hey. Welcome to forgehub. Check out our maps that we have to offer. If you want to, you can post your own map. I hope you stay here for a long time. You should really like it here. I know I did.
Didnt star get banned? Anyway nice guide i kinda want to re do my intro now but it was good enough (and im lazzzy)
Username I'm Master Jedi. Four years ago when brainstorming for a gamertag I ended up picking MasterJedi1024. A jedi who is the highest rank is considered a Master, and in terms of fiction whats more bad ass than that? LordSaruman1024 would have been close, but I wanted to walk within the light. 2^10=1024. So when joining Forge Hub I figured just use my name. If someone ever encountered me on XBL they would recognize me. Joining I've been a lurker of Forge Hub for nearly two years now. I would come to get inspiration for my maps and to learn new techniques. Maps I've made have used geo-merging, ghost merging, various other techniques I've learned from Forge Hub. Recently I've been nearing what I feel is a polished variant of one of my five Foundry Maps. I used the forums and groups to get some people to help me play test and provide feedback. Results weren't what I was looking for. So I came to the site that's dedicated to what I want to show off. Hobbies Halo 3 is one of two games I own, and historically I've played it about 15-20 hours a week. Bio 20 years old with less than a month until the big two one, I'm a student of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering with a minor in Bioengineering and Life Sciences. I work as an undergraduate researcher for a nanolaminates laboratory at my university. I specifically operate a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). In high school I was a four year letter recipient in varsity track and field, varsity tennis, and Academic Booster Club (ABC+). Conclusion I come before this community with a lot Halo 3 experience. I want to be sure to follow rules while I'm here, so if you see me make a mistake please be kind. I'm interested in testing/reviewing other members maps and having my own reviewed. My education in design has allowed me to create maps with floor plans that are meant to be balanced, tactical, and fun for both noobs and professionals. Enjoy the unique flare I have to offer.