you certianly got a long run,and that isnt fun dude,to pass the time,just stay on forge hub....or go bowling/skating. that=fun,ad find a female to go with you.
Oh, I've got my Wii, GBA, DS, PC (with Bioshock I've had for about a month now that I haven't touched) and 3 massive finals to do for next week. Then, after that, I can afford an other 2 months in World of Warcraft. I'm not too bad off. At least until my Xbox isn't here for ODST. Then I'm gonna go crazy.
I was lucky, I got my rrod right before i had to move, so when i sent it in i put the address as my new house and my family went on a roadtrip to where we were moving to which took a week and the package got there the day after we got there.
Ive had two over the course of two years. Both broke, my last one broke about a week ago. After i was done playing halo, I turned it off like usual. Never turned back on. never.
For those who have sent one in, what do you send with it? Just the console? Console and power pack? What do I need to send? The site doesn't explain it well.
Had my first RROD 2 years ago, after having the 360 for just under 3 years. had it repaired for free (replaced motherboard or whatever) Then had my 2nd RROD a few months ago, was no longer under warrenty, so I bought an Elite. Now I discover that the latest NXE Update is screwing with FFXI! Fun times.
Guys, I've got a question. It is preventing me from sending it off. Have any of you done the Printing your own shipping lable? If so, did you ever have a problem with the image on the page you print not showing up? I've tried it on IE and Firefox and it's a no go on both. Anyone know anything. Trying to avoid calling because I have problems with understanding accents.