Really now... Why would Forge Hub die once ODST is released? A bunch of people thought FH was going to die when Farcry 2 came out but look at it now? Every site that was created for Farcry2 actually died out and Forge Hub still lives strong. Also, how could Forge Hub die when on the second disc we will get to have 3 new maps to play with? If anything we might be on the downside of activity with the site (For people who is really excited for ODST. Like me) but we will also gain many new members in my opinion just for the forge on those new maps.
Halo3 is a incredibly popular game and i doubt ODST could kill it. Personaly i think ODST will not ever be as popular as halo3 (just my opinion).
Essentially Halo 3 ODST is Halo 3, just New Campaign and Firefight, minus HALO 3 campaign, which makes ODST better for me because H3's campaign was bland to me imo, H2 campaign still teh best.
Um, I'm pretty sure people won't just stop making maps after ODST comes out. Same with Halo Reach. I have no idea why you'd even think of it dying.
I don't get why you could possibly think ForgeHub would die after ODST. We'll still have Halo 3 Multiplayer, so I don't see why it would die.
I never said that I thought it would die, I was just curious and wanted to here everyones opinion, and it seemed like twenty plus people had already posted on this thread by the time I got back from school, showing the strength of the community here, which is quite immense. No Forgehub will not die, but I do believe that its activity will steadily decrease and then increase with the coming out of Reach
Okay, so to wrap it up: Halo 3 ODS comes, ForgeHub activity drops sharply for maybe a few weeks or a month or two, ForgeHub starts getting BILLIONS of maps outta nowhere due to mainly Longshore, and then MAYBE when Halo Reach comes out, it MAY have a better Forge and ForgeHub could get very, very popular. Could that happen? Yes. Is it probable? About as probable as ForgeHub actually DYING.
Forgehub will only die when the xbox 360 is outdated by a new console. People will then have a reason to leave halo 3 in the past.
in my opinion, even if halo 3 died, i dont think that forgehub would perish. i come here just as much for the maps as i do the random debates and other discussions, and i dont think im the only one that that applies to. life
I don't think forgehub would die, I think there is way too large of a community and the love for forge for people to quit. The three new maps are going to open up a door to better forging anyways.
The Admins, Staff, and other Colored Members would not let it die. We/the Community have worked too hard for something as simple as a new game to make the Community die. Forge Hub has adapted before and we can do it again. As long as we still have games with map editors and things to talk about, Forge Hub will continue to grow larger. The only way I could possibly see Forge Hub die is if Microsoft comes out with a new console and Bungie doesn't make a new game with Forge. And also we some how lose the Off-Topic, General Chat, and the Debates section altogether. (Like that would happen)
Or it might become stronger, because I'm pretty confident Bungie will include Forge (or something similar) into Reach. Not including something like that would be a definite step backwards.
I think that we'll see a noticeable blip in maps made and there may be slighty less activity, but it will be no more detrimental than Halo Wars. People will realise that it has no depth and move back to regular Halo 3.