Sandbox Blackened

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by luckeas, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Map:Blackened v2**Edited 09/19/09

    Bungie Render to Video Preview

    Blackened - Walk about Preview of Blackened v1.2 (About two minutes long)

    Well I originally had an idea to make a spiritual successor to "The Pit." And this is my first attempt ever at building a map that has that type of style. I usually tend to make maps that are a lot more focused on Big Teams Battling it out.

    One of my biggest problems with creating this map was making CTF games work well on the map. I've never had a map that didn't naturally work really well for CTF, and then I made this map. A lot of work has gone into creating "Choke Points" in Blackened that did not exist in the original design. Blackened, to say the least has a very "Unique" CTF gameplay on it. Each Flag starts in the Corner Sniper Towers, but to capture the Flag it must be taken to the Opposite Corner. This was done to keep the Flag from being lifted and captured to easily. Sure you can grab it but you gota work to score it, and that is something that I really like about Flag games on Blackened.

    If you're looking for something different in CTF here is a map that does it differently. It definitely makes your team strategize differently.

    This map plays Excellent for KOTH and Neutral Bomb. These are the natural game-types for Blackened, well those and Team BRs.


    Couple Pics:


    Tell me what you think, likes and dislikes. If this was your map what would you change, and that goes for anything including weapons, equipment, spawns, geometry...I do consider all Feedback.

    Thanks for any Feedback you could give.

    Part of the map has been slightly redesigned. Here are some Pictures of it.

    Map: Blackened v1.3 **Edited 09/03/09


    Here is the latest version of Blackened v2.

    Well it looks like I have another update to this map, this could very well be my last, we'll see though.

    With this update I was able to free up some resources by "Ghost Merging" and was able to redesign the "courtyard" area of the map.

    I was also able to change the "top middle" by giving that a structure redesign, only slightly though.

    A few spawns as well as BR placement has shifted too, as well as some other weapons and their timers.

    I would love feedback on how you guys think it plays and what maybe could be tweaked.

    Pictures of Version 2





    #1 luckeas, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  2. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These kind of map previews are supposed to be posted in the forge discussion. Only finished maps are showcased in this forum. Also, you will want to post more pictures. You're only showing certain areas of your map at the moment and people will need to see all of it, preferably an overview aswell.

    From what you posted it looks good, can't really say much else right now.
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By standard issue thread do you mean it will actually have a download link at some point?

    As it is it needs one or it should be moved to forge discussion or something as a map preview.

    But the map looks ok, didn't check out the rendered video but the pictures look ok.
  4. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Hey guys sorry for the confusion, this map is 100% done, the only reason I said preview was because it only been tested a handful of times and wanted more input on what people think could using tweaking/changing.

    Sorry about that.

    There is a Download link too, at the top and bottom of the thread.
    #4 luckeas, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I can't load the Preview from Apple doesn't support that sort of thing for the Itouch. I just wanted to suggest that you should post more pictures of the map. That will eventually be said enough for you to put in more, Im sure. From the little amount that I can decider from the pictures, the design is good, and I like the way elevated parts of the map are made out of block huge pieces. When I download all these maps on Tuesday, yours could be one. In the meantime, post up more pictures to impress me.
  6. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    From the pics you have, the map looks pretty good. Your interlocking looks great, and not too many power weapons from what I can see. You should add more pictures, but I give you 4/5
  7. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its been a while since I've done anything with this map, but here is the latest Update to the map.

    Part of the map has been slightly redesigned. Here are some Pictures of it.

    Map: Blackened v1.3 **Edited 09/03/09

  8. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    At a second, much delayed glance, it looks like a pretty good map. Very clean forging and the structures you have built look very solid and realistic.

    However, like a lot of maps posted here it lacks that certain something which defines it from every other crypt map. I know its hard to create something completely different from everyone else when you've just started so this is just a suggestion for future.

    Next time, try to incorporate something into your map that no-one else has. Whether it be for aesthetic or gameplay purposes, it needs something to distinguish it from other map. Sadly, this map doesn't do that and therefore I won't be downloading it.
  9. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Comments like yours are worthless. You have not even downloaded the map, you haven't walked around in it and you've never even played on the map.

    Speculation is everything that is wrong with these types of Forums, where people think they can judge gameplay and flow from pictures, it can't be done.

  10. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Your thoughts are justified, your right that I'm speculating. However, its your job to try and peruade people to download your map and play on it. I stated that it lacks any distinguishing features which is the reason I'm not going to download it, thats constructive advice in my opinion. I never made any references to the gameplay and flow, I'm perfectly aware I haven't played on the map and therefore can't make any accurate criticism of the gameplay.

    Your entitled to your opinion of course but I stand by my comment and I don't think it worthless. Good luck in future.
    #10 oh knarly, Sep 5, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2009
  11. superduper66

    superduper66 Ancient
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    Doesn't seem like good critisism to me. Your comment says nothing helpful, or anything that could try and make it better. Constructive critisism should do just that. It is fine if you don't like the map, but if you are going to leave feedback to the map maker, it would be better if you left some decent advice.
  12. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    cool and collected, I like it.

    I also agree with him in EVERY respect. Telling people their comments are worthless isn't gonna make people play your maps. What your saying is that we should DL every single map on here, play it with loads of friends on loads of gametypes, that get back to everyone, and if they edit it, we start all over again. You, my friend, are wrong.
    The WHOLE POINT of you writing your little post is to give us as good an idea as possible as to how gameplay and flow is on your map, there should be plenty of pictures to show us the forging skills and map design and, from this, we know from experience what will work and what won't. So we tell you, and if we think the map has potential we DL and maybe edit our comments accordingly. This map wasn't Knarly's style, so he didn't DL and you get stupid about it.
    IMO this map looks ok but incredibly unoriginal and lucklustre. I was thinking of downloading but your attitude made me decide that I don't want to play on any of your maps, ever.
    I 'speculate' all your future maps will be equally boring. Sorry

    it is constructive as he's explained the reason he's not DLing so if the maker wants he can edit his post and tailor it to suit a wider audience, which will get him more downloads and comments.
    IMO thats very constructive
  13. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    First of all what I'm saying is almost just that. Download every map, give it a forge-through, and talk about what you liked, disliked, what you thought about weapons/equipment placement, spawns, and the actual geometry of the map. To say you have to play it with a full party is a bit ridiculous, enough to show that you're attempting to make fun of my original post.

    Listen up, I don't post maps to please people, nor to get my download count up. I post them so actual people who have a skill in understanding what makes and creates good gameplay post about it. Regardless of how it looks, or even how the post looks, and those people give feedback on the actual map, and change things that they would change if it were actually their map.

    I'm actually a bit amazed how ignorant your post is and would therefore take your actual feedback with a very large, oversized grain of salt. I would take it nonetheless, but only because I consider all feedback regarding the actual map.

    To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant. I don't suppose you'll catch that though.

    Yeah I see what your saying now, and that makes sense, I tend to not create single distinguishing pieces of work, but build it directly in the original geometry of the map.

    I only said your post was "worthless" because I was assuming your were reflecting your thoughts about more than just how you thought there was no originality and therefore saying how there is not unique and fun gameplay, when on the contrary there is.

    I would say though that before you write off a map you should at least give it a look through. Too many times have I seen pictures and thought it would be a good map before I made my final judgements about it being bad or simply just an okay map. That works both ways though, and I tend to download most maps now and just weed my way through them, because even bad map usually have something that can be good about them, see what I'm saying?
  14. luckeas

    luckeas Ancient
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    Here is the latest version of Blackened v2.

    Well it looks like I have another update to this map, this could very well be my last, we'll see though.

    With this update I was able to free up some resources by "Ghost Merging" and was able to redesign the "courtyard" area of the map.

    I was also able to change the "top middle" by giving that a structure redesign, only slightly though.

    A few spawns as well as BR placement has shifted too, as well as some other weapons and their timers.

    I would love feedback on how you guys think it plays and what maybe could be tweaked.

    Pictures of Version 2





  15. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow i really love the way you keep the pit structure ! Great base and good gametype choice ! Maybe add a Weapon list ?!
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So wait let me get this straight, your bashing anyone that is saying that your map is unremarkble and slightly borish? people that are saying it has very little to tell it apart from other maps made into the crypt?

    Let me tell you something from the point of view of someone who actually makes and designs maps just for fun, a map is NO good if it doesnt have its own atmosphere, its own feel if you will. a map cannot be good purely off of gameplay, however it can be fun to play on, but making a map is more than that. making a map is incorporating stylish design and streamlined gameplay together.

    Lets say I made a map with the most beautiful aesthetics, this would not make it a good map just purely off that fact, it needs good gameplay as well, where as your map is the oppostie most likely but nobody will find that out because an ugly map get very little attention.

    My opinion? You need to incorporate structures that have a certin wow factor, they dont have to be huge, but they need to be somewhat unique in order to catch attention. And no, this is not speculation.
  17. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I like the design but the crates kind of cheapen it a little. Also some of the layout looks kind of shoddy and as for aesthetics it's very plain.

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