I've made about 10 sigs since finishing my Arkham series, but half of them sucked horribly, one was a SOTW entry and another also failed horribly. I do however have 4 of those 10 to show for it that I'm actually willing to show for it (lol) so here they are: And yea, except for the second one, they're all of me in action shots I took =) The EOD is Juggernaut448. This last one I did something completely different from what I've ever done really, I didn't do much to it, but I recolored myself a bit, and then worked hard on creating depth. I think I did good, but I'll let you guys judge that. =?
These are very good. Especially the 2nd imo. Also you did a great job with the bottom one. I really like your style.
I'm starting to dislike that gray dot thing you have in almost all of your sigs. Gray effects in a colored sig are never good IMO. However, i do love the effects in the second one.
@Mace and Loshon: Thanks =) @Lock: I see what you mean, I don't do it in every sig, I usually make them more colorful, but I think in that one I was tryin to fill up space (in the third one) so I used them. But thanks for the tip. XD
B.e.a.utiful. Simply amazing. It's crazy good, and all those from just a few photo shoots on Halo. Amazing, once again. Grats on the good work.
pigglez these are great! i really like the recolouring job on the last one too.. i would like to get some pictures in as well.. they are amazing!
I'm pretty sure I haven't posted anything in this thread, but anyways... **** dude. These look sick! As Lock said, make those grey things better.