Grif Wall Ball in Ixchel's Court Okay, It's finally done. I had to rework the ENTIRE map to make it work, but it's done.
this looks really sweet, I love the theme. I haven't played the one in action sack though so I can't really say if its better or not. I'm looking forward to the completion of this.. My advice is to turn those two large blocks sticking out on the wall by the gate. It looks cool, but it could disrupt gameplay.
Yeah, I was thinking the same way, It was one of the other things the testers and I will look into. If it does disrupt, it'll be changed. Thanks.
Wow, this looks pretty interesting, but I'm not sure how needing a teammate to score will play out. And thanks for giving me a mention in the post, But out of curiosity, what is all of that stuff doing in the big pile? EDIT: and instead of using a weapon holder, I think you should use a tin cup, and hide the flag inside the bomb plant area, as long as it hides all of the flag.
The map looks really cool right now. I would download when it is complete. I like that little cage right now. Good Luck with your map
Finally yes i whole heatedly agree, the mayan griffball right now sucks. This looks amazing, I can't wait i only wish it could be a mm map. If you used a glitched map then it won't be allowed but still great job.
glitched in general, or only budget glitched? Because this isn't budget glitched. (Not fond of budget glitched maps, their always a nightmare to me) To metawaddledee, I put that pile of stuff there just so I know I already have all the peices I need for the other ramp-half of the map, I put that there so I could build the side vertical walls and know im not eating the pieces I need to build the other ramp. I don't know, just a little technique I've used from time to time. lol As for the tin cup/weapon holder thing, I don't really know what I want to use at the moment, the bomb plant area floats by it's self, I just wanted to make it look as if it were connected. I could see how the pole of the tincup could help that out. I'll look into that. Thanks.
yeah i love the theme it looks great and actually reminds me of the one in real life (have u seen it in person it is amazing at the ancient ruins of Chichen Izta in mexico?) i really like the curved wall leading up to the strait wall and all the great aesthetics u have so far i cant wait to see this when it is done
I honestly can't wait to see the finished product. I have really high hopes for this. It's a great aesthetic piece, and I also like how it requires 2 people to get up there. Me and my friends are always boosting each other to the opposite sides of the map for an easy point.. DUUUNNNKK. So, I've never played mayan griff ball. How does it work? And where do the teams respawn, back in the cages?
OMG this looks epic, and waaaay better then the epic fail that is mayan grifball in matchmaking. I swear, as soon as this is done, Im downloading and going straight into customs with my friends. The sooner your done, the happier I will forever be =)
This looks pretty awesome if I may say so. I can't wait for the finished product. I really like how it looks (it looks a lot like the actual ruins). I don't know if I like the fact that it takes two people to plant the bomb (it seams like it might be hard to aim the person/ball). Might I suggest that you use red or blue lights and bomb plant/start points (I can't remember which one you can't pass through) to block the pole areas off. The reason why I say you should do that is because killballs make an annoying sound. I do however like the design a lot better than the one in matchmaking. I hope this one makes it in to matchmaking when it is finished.
that place is so awesome and the map looks alot like it does the winning team get to be sacraficed like old times?
Thanks for all the feedback, in regards to where teams respawn, they respawn near the gates (caged area) which adds a new factor into the actual gameplay givin that instead of running straight to the bomb and on forward, the teams have to turn and go up the ramp. I have drawn, A DIAGRAM. *dun dun dun* I have broken it down this way, I tried to keep it the least confusing as possible... but it turned out like this. So it basically works like this: The teams start by the gates, and run either for the bomb, to their team's plant point, or the opposing team's plant point. Of course depending on how the other team is doing in actually obtaining the ball. I.E. If the blue team has obtained the ball a majority of the players are going to (hopefully) move accordingly to the blue plant point and vice versa. If the opposing team has obtained the ball your team (again, hopefully) is going to move to their half of the court to prevent them from scoring. SOOOOO many of the game's aspects change with these few minor changes, however, I think it will be worth it. NOTE: depending on how the testing of this game goes, things may or may not be changed. If starting in near the gates F's everything up in the game, that will be changed accordingly, if needing a team-mate to get to the plant point F's everything up, that also will be changed. At this point in time, that is the general layout of the map and game, and hopefully it works. The gametype itself has no differences from grifball other than the fact that friendly fire is off. Again, thanks for the support.
Thanks, this makes much more sense. But are you sure the map is inescapable? Since friendly fire is off, if everyone hit one guy at the same time he could get sent flying wayy over the map and be stuck there.
I was thinking the same thing, you might want to make the walls higher, or try putting wedges a long the side to try to make more inescapable. EDIT: just saw the wedges on top the bomb plant point, might want to put them around the rest of the map though, or teleporters leading to one floating around the center of the map
There is going to wedges along the top, but with my friend and I smacking one person we couldn't get him to go over half the height of the walls, but in testing of this map that will be one of the key factors at test. Thanks guys. EDIT: tried using the tin cup as "supports" for the bomb plant points, the flag is way to large and goes through the otherside unfortunetely. However, I have added a red and blue light (to the appropriate sides) which illuminates the weapon holder perfectly, It's basically a beacon showing where you're trying to get to.
I stick with my OMG awesome rating before, and really can wait for you to finish this. If it doesnt make matchmaking, bungie is retarded. Also, I would really love to help test when you get to that stage.
You are completely welcome to help test. I'll send you a PM when it's ready. I think I'm going to try to finish it tonight so we can test it within the next couple days. EDIT: updated the first post, read the updates section.