An infection horror map. Made completely dark by effects. Humans start in a saferoom, equipped with weapons, flares, regenerators and power drains. Zombies spawn above ground and have to fall down the hole. Once you have left the saferoom, you must use the few guides that you are given to pick a spot and defend yourself as best as you can. There are a multitude of places to hide, but you need to be careful not to get lost and use guideposts and lights. Being stalked by the zombie The human's safehouse spawn The radio station The Bridge room Guiding lights The warehouse : Halo 3 File Details Sorry, I know this is not linked to a forum on bungie. I cannot figure out for the love of god where the map forum is. If someone would please link? It is not recommended that you play this with splitscreen. The lights are removed to reduce screen lag and henceforth make the map completely unplayable. Now... I just hope that I set up this thread in accordance with the rules and then maybe I can get some good reviews. Thanks!
this doest look thhhatt dark by the screenshots, sure, its dark, but it doesnt seem nearly as dark as you say, it looks like the map would still be playable without them, maybe your tv is just darker than most. Anyways, the map itself is pretty good, it is pretty much your standard city type map, but i like the idea of guide lights. For a first post or one of your first, i have a few suggestions. 1. Add more screenshots, like an overview, it helps people get a better idea of your map. 2. Make a link to the gametype, the zombies have poor camo in your pic, so im assuming theres probably a gametype for your map? And if there is a gametype, describe the humans and zombies traits
It is really dark. Screenshots and bright computer screens make everything seem like it's not. Any infection gametype will work. Just make sure to give the zombies poor camo and have humans be able to pick upweapons. (this is important because flares work like actual flares instead of flashbangs) And how/ why did forgehub automatically move my thread?
This looks like a good map you might want to put up more pictures though. You also said that you need to let humans pick up weapons so you might want to put a weapons list up. To answer your question you probably put the map in the wrong spot and a mod or or someone else with the power moved it to the right spot.
and so is fat kid it looks really wierd, ill dl it and give it a forge thru. il be back in a min because i cant really tell what it is with the pics. next time try removing the filters so we can understand the map. also, you have the link linked to the correct place. FYI ok, i broke teh map and i noticed that there are alot of dead ends, im not sure how easily breaking the map is in an actual game though, because i deleted the filters to get a better view of the map. on thing i did not lke is how ou could follow what seemed to be the main path, and it led me into a dead end tunnel, if it is made for players to intentianally find, they could grab regens and power drains and just keep the entrance lit, while useing the regens to stay alive. all in all, i was pleased at the idea, but did not like the design. the guiding lights were a good idea as well, one of which you could camp on, another you could camp under.
This looks like an enjoyable map and i like the brodge idea so good job on that! Anyway i agree with Izano you should have made your own gametype.
okay.. I did make a gametype, but school takes up time so i haven't been able to post it. here--> : Halo 3 File Details As for screenshots, here--> barricade area Overview of map Note that the kill balls are there for ambient effects and as reference points in case you get lost. Thanks to everyone who answered my forum questions. Weapons list here--> In saferoom: -3 SMGs -3 Shotguns -3 Maulers -2 flares -2 power drains -4 regenerators Outside of saferoom: -1 shotgun -1 SMG -1 Sniper rifle -1 BR -1 Mauler -2 flares -3 firebomb grenades -1 plasmanade -1 flamethrower To pinohkio; thanks for the critisism. I'll keep in mind that infection maps should be more flowing and dead ends should give rewards. I think what i was trying to accomplish with all those is for a place for the humans to bunker down in and keep their backs safe. Whew. That's a lot to read.