Defilement Created by Defiler47 V1.01 Supported Gametypes: All Map Description Defilement is a three base unsymmetrical map. The 3 bases are based around a 'T' shaped ally way. Even though Defilement has three bases I recommend only 2 teams, The third base is only there for more options. Recommended for 2-8 people. Updated: Weapon placement: Snipers swapped places with Carbines Spiker removed Grenades removed Active Camo spawn time increased to 180 Sniper and rocket spawn times increased shotgun moved to a more balance location Fusion coil spawn time increased to 90 Spawns edited More scenery added Geometry moved/added. Stairs to 'Defending Base' removed _________________________________________________ (some images from V1) The outside of the 'attacking Base' on the left and the outside of the '3rd Base' on the right. Outside of the 'Defending Base' [br] Inside of the '3rd base' Inside of the 'Attacking Base' Bottom of the 'T' shaped ally. Inside of the 'Defending' Base' _________________________________________________ I appreciate any one who tries my map and/or sends feedback as I spent a lot of time on it. Also please comment on my bungie thread. Thanks! Download Defilement
Re: Defilement From what the pictures tell me you've done a really good job on this one. I'll get back to you with an updated opinion in the near future.
Re: Defilement You've got a lot of empty space on your map. I see no need to try this one out until I have proof you filled those gaps. I like other aspects of the map though so please take the time to add in some scenery into those empty areas. Thanks and good work.
Re: Defilement I know it's too late and your probably don't feel like fixing this map, but here's the solution for all your budget problems:
Re: Defilement Crap. I just had this joke, but now I can't use it. My joke was this: "I love unsymmetrical maps, but I usually call them asymmetrical maps." Well it turns out that "unsymmetrical" is a word too. Stupid spell checker. So I guess the joke's on me. Anyway, with that out of the way. I'll download this one and check it out. Like Shadow said, scenery is nice, but if the map plays well enough then who cares?
Re: Defilement Asymmetrical, that was the word I was looking for, it just slipped my mind at the time, but they both are the same thing. When I change somethings around, I might be able to get some more scenery in.
Re: Defilement I like this map, you've done a good job on forging it, I do however have a couple of suggestions. You've done a good job on constructing the map, but maybe you should try to move around where each of the teams spawn a bit. As the map is configured right now one of the teams have a direct route into the other base, and when they reach the opponents base they have height advantage too. They just have to run in a straight line and up the stairs to reach the other base while the other team has to run out in the middle of the map in order to reach their opponents base. This doesn't make for fair, balanced gameplay. Other than that the map is really good, good use of interlocking and a good, clean layout. I looked over most of the spawns and was really satisfied with what I saw but in some cases you've placed the spawns on not so good locations. When a player has died and respawns they immediately want to know where they are and where they should / could be heading. In other words, you probably don't want to face a wall when you spawn. And try not to put any of the spawnpoints near hazardous items such as fusion coils. You could always spawn in a gunfight but try to limit the peril and make sure no-one spawns right next to a fusion coil. As far as weapons and equipment go I think you've done a good job, none of the bases has an advantage over the other when it comes to their armory. I would have to play a couple more games on the map to really get a feeling of what works and what doesn't work. Good work, Peace // gorebound
Re: Defilement Thanks for the feedback. I do plan to change some of the geometry as well as some weapon placement today. I surprisingly didn't even think of the fusion coil thing.
Re: Defilement (V1.01) Sounds good, I'll download it and check it out. And btw, don't doublepost, just use the Modify post feature. Peace // gorebound
Re: Defilement (V1.01) Sorry about the double post. I'm doing some more testing right now. Mostly for spawn times.
Re: Defilement (V1.01) I've looked over your revised version of Defilement and I have a couple of things to comment on. I like the changes you've done so far, especially that one about that of the teams had an easy way into their opponents base, that's gone. And you've moved a couple of spawns and weapons to make it a more balanced experience. Good work. I have found an critical fault however, do you know that you've only placed startingpoints for the attacking team? In both bases the startingpoints are set to "Attackers". Were are the "Defenders" supposed to spawn? . When you place respawn- and startingpoints you should always walk up to each and every one of them and look in the way that they are facing, just in order to see what the player gets to see when spawning on that spawn- or startingpoint. I only found one shotgun on the map, have you placed two shottys on the map? If your gonna place a weapon on the map make sure that both teams have equal distance to that weapon, or place a weapon of equal strength / effectiveness at an equal distance from each of the teams bases. The last thing I'm gonna comment on is a really trivial matter but it just bugs me out, I'm an OCD forger if you haven't noticed yet. It's that you've placed scenery at an angle. For instance, one of the "B Signs" is almost leaning against a wall, and one of the stairs isn't even with the floor. Hope you take this as constructive criticism as you did last time Keep up the good work and happy forging to you! Peace // gorebound
Re: Defilement (V1.01) I did not know about the team spawns both being attacking, haven't really tested team games as much as I should. I already fixed the shotgun in my V1.02 along with the crooked stairs. The problem with the sign is if it is straight you can get stuck behind it, I'll try to find another alternative. Thanks a lot for the constructive criticism! Edit: That ^ sounded sarcastic, but its not. lol
Re: Defilement (V1.02) Ive played on this map and it is great from everything from 1v1 to 8v8 this map is super smooth and is one of the best maps I have very played on :squirrel_rubberduck: