Sandbox Journeys End

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Journeys End is a small asymmetrical map that is based in the Crypt section of Sandbox. The map layout provides open and closed combat scenarios. This map has been optimised for Team Doubles matches and has gone through weeks of playtesting resulting in some major changes being made before its release. Journeys End is one of the faster paced maps in terms of gameplay and lots of exciting action is sure to happen throughout the map. This map supports all gametypes with an advised player limit of 8 players.​

    Recommended Match:

    2 vs 2 Team Slayer (Team Doubles)​



    Map Screenshots:

    Main Area

    View From Blue Pit

    View From Red Pit

    Active Camo Hallway Entrance

    Active Camo

    Super Hot Fireplace

    Alternate Active Camo Hallway Entrance

    Blue Back Wall

    Overshield Tunnel Entrance


    Alternate Overshield Tunnel Entrance

    Lift To Second Floor

    Red Back Wall

    Action Screenshots:


    #1 Mini Waz, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ur int3rl0ck1ng luks gud but u neds moar geomegez

    Seriously though, after getting to play this a couple times I'm really liking the layout you've made this map on. There's some really cool elements that, well, just look good, but overall play pretty well, too.

    I can't say that it's an amazing playing map, but it does look nice and plays a fun FFA, definately worth a DL for those times where you can't get teams together. Team play works fairly fun also, but I found the FFA to be much more so.

    And the MW (Mini Wax ;D) emblem in teleporter writing is pretty sick, too.
  3. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job man Im seeing some new stuff here in this map I like how you have the prision bar thing going with the kill ball and camo thats a great look props to you. From the video and the pics everything looks smoothly interlocked thats always a plus. Show some repect to this map people. you got my download.
  4. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'll admit, I'm basing this purely on the pictures and video you've posted but I prefer your middle level maps. This looks great, smooth forging and an obviously thoroughly tested layout, and thats why I've queued for a DL. However, like I said, I have a suspicion I'm going to prefer your other maps.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love room based maps. The gameplay that comes out of them is usually very good, and coming from a forger like you, I know it will not disappoint. I'll definitely DL this and play a few games. Looks great.

    And like Insane said, that emblem with teleporters is awesome.
  6. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't really enjoy the gameplay of these tight, enclosed crypt maps, but I will download this none the less. Aesthetics are top-notch. Putting the OS in a tunnel though may not have been a great choice though as a such an area would be very difficult to control.
  7. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    IMO, this map looks super awesome, the gameplay and aesthetics are sweet Dl from me

    QUESTION: is it possible to geomerge in the crypt? I have tried repeatedly but once I save and quit. On re-entry it is un geomerged. Has anyone got proof that crypt geomerging is possible? it is key to one of my maps!!!
  8. A Bit Of Zero

    A Bit Of Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mini Waz, this is an extreme map!
    I downloaded yesterday and played a game of 3v3 on it and i must say this is one of my favourite maps ever made by you and by anyone. This is the first very aesthetically pleasing map that I've seen you make, not dissin' your others but this was absolutely off the chain! I loved the teleporter writing which you used above the doorways and to write your initials on the back wall, very creative. Also I always thought you were the type of forger who liked to forge using only very little merging but this map was almost completely merged and surprised me immensely to what I generally see from you. It was so neat and well forged and unlike most of your other maps was an asymmetrical map.
    This was a really great map to play on and I recommend everyone download it, it must have taken you ages to create and perfect to the standard it has been. Well done Mini Waz, another gracious and wonderfully balanced map to play on, I loved it!
  9. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    If you want to see geomerging in the crypt as well as without doubt the best crypt map I have seen to date, check out the map "Chromatic v2".

    It is an MLG map and can be found in the MLG sub-forum. It is incredibly smooth.
  10. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Woooowww ! This is the best map i ever see in my all life !!!! the camo spawn are very beautiful , the place were are the kill ball are so amazing your tag on the map to (MW) !
    If Bungie would can give the flame head its sure you gonna have it !
  11. Boukary777

    Boukary777 Ancient
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    What parts of the crypt are u trying to geomerge? When I first worked on geomerging a y-intersection tube piece into the ground, it almost always came out of the ground. If i tried to keep pushing the piece further into the ground, it would come back out of the ground.

    However, I have merged some items into the walls, just not the ground.

    FLICK OFF Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Another masterpiece by Mini Waz. Clean forging as usual and I love how you put your signature in the wall I will download and try but I'm sure it will be awesome. 5/5
  13. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Waz man whatsup.
    Nice Map man.
    I like the mix of close corridors and big halls.
    Nice Interlocking all round but I really like the wall halves (?) used at camo and scaffolding bars at the furnace.
  14. Darkside102

    Darkside102 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow! this is really well made, the map looks good with some heavy close quarters. Good job!
  15. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see where you're at, i've always wanted to make a map like this but i could never think of a good design. It's a nice change to make such a map and the gameplay tends to be quite unique in these type of maps.

    Please don't advertise other maps in my thread.
  16. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dang! Your interlocking is just so smooth and I love the aesthetics too. The furnace design is pretty original. But what exactly is the back story behind the aesthetics? Is this a coal mining factory of some sort? The map has a nice layout and the interlocking is very nice (I'm the type of person to notice the meticulous work of interlockings used to prevent grenades from slipping through). Im'a download and check it out.

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