LOL It's pretty good, despite the name lol. I can make that sign because I'm a straight up G. Are there things coming from the side because I can barely see them. Either get rid of them or turn the opacity up just a bit. And are they like leaves or something (?) because that's what they look like.
so let me get this straight, your so insecure your going to join a gang and go kill young children and women? lol, jk, jk, but I really do wonder why you choose this topic, the bloods...
ROFL!! and other than lighting, contrast, etc.. what did you do to it? oh wait i see a tiny c4d piece
I just noticed that. It says blood when I do it. This guy messed up. He isn't as hood as me. And btw, add some text. I would suggest "You're doing it wrong" in the bottom right hand corner.
Get a stock that does it right, then add more effects. Then the sig wont fail. HAHA it's for a company called BBDO. Read the original images text next time.
@OP Haha yup. I think you should use a stock that spells "blood" for SOTW, unless this weeks theme is agency companies
lmao. Have any of you actually MET bloods? Some of the people I know are bloods. Well my area is a blood area, just a bunch of streets down it's crip area, but it's all poser crap which is stupid, the only reason they seem intimidating is because of their bull about guns and crap.