I've been asking this question to alot of people lately, and it has always had the general response. "Have you ever bought/recieved a really awesome video game and then later found yourself mysteriously stopped playing it and back on Halo?" The reply: Yes. So take a look at your abandoned game shelf, Bungie did that. In my opinion Halo CE and Halo 2 were intended prequels to gain the popularity needed for the addiction of the not-as-fun Halo 3. As you should all know, Halo 3 is the most commonly played game on XBOX live. Why is this? Because Halo infects everyone. The hardcore gamers are appealed with matchmaking. The casual gamers are appealed with mini-games. And the creative gamers are pleased with the infinite possibilities of user created content. But all of this is for naught. The competitive gamer would have just as good a time on some other game, especially Call of Duty. The casual gamer is always in disappointment for lack of party size, or if the party size is finally great, some ****** always vetoes the game and thus people quit. And the creative gamers always find themselves wasting time forging, which really only fellow forgers can fully appreciate the effort put into a map. But you're hooked. Halo is the default 360 game, you get tired of your new game, you go back to Halo. But it's difficult playing anything but Halo. You always have a majority of Halo 3 friends always peer pressuring you to play with them. Halo 3 is as addictive as WoW. The difference being that WoW is a drug that you can't stop taking and then need rehabilitation. Halo 3 is a permanant monkey on your shoulder that will never go away and always tempt you back into damnation. Some people might say, "Hater! Halo's awesome!" Well, it is. Until you think about the ratio of Halo's time spent to happiness, neutral, and boredom. Sometimes I literally get on Halo 3, find no friends online, and do nothing for a couple of hours. Have you ever taken the time to realize all this? Halo is a drug, with good effects and bad effects. I'd compare it to a slot machine. Put $5 in, get $4 out. Put $4 in, get $3 out. Eventually you hit the jackpot, which renews your vigor to test your sanity all over again. Ways to prevent the Halo disease. Don't buy it. This stops all damnation before the process. Don't go online. This is where you really are tempted. Destroy it. Kill it and hide its sacred ashes. Be a Call of Duty fan. You're either one or the other. Please comment about your opinions towards this subject.
i disagree... i pretty much play halo, CoD, and gears equally, with a bit of halo wars. depends on what i feel like. i probably play gears the most nowadays.
i totally agree with all ov that. ive been addicted since 2005. when i was 9. its horrible. the worst thing thats ever happened to me. I love it.
So what you're saying is you're now anti-halo, and you believe bungie is corrupt? There are people that actually enjoy halo for how it is right now you know. Good storyline, fun addictive gameplay, tons of possibilities, and it's great for both hardcore and casual gamers. So you know, I'm not a halo fan boy that will fight for it whenever I can. I play CoD, and other MM games as well. Halo gets boring, for sure after a while, but It'll happen with all games. I keep coming back to it because of the reasons above.
i totaqlly agree, glad some one thinks the same, i do find halo taking all of my time, it has alot of possibilites and is the default game
Gotta give you props for the cleverly disquised "Halo sucks but CoD rules" thing. If you are just getting on and not doing anything, that isn't any fault of Bungie's, that's a fault with the player. If you have nothing else better to do other than siting in Halo 3 not doing anything, you really need to find new hobbies that can also occupy your time. Maybe sit down and rething your priorities.
Well im going to have to disagree with you. I do not find halo addicting at all. Yes its my favorite game but i play CoD, Gow, and many other games just as much. If your just sitting there doing nothing, and you have no friends online heres a something you can do go outside and get some exercise. And in no way is WoW a drug. You make it seem as that anyone who plays it is automatically addicted to it. Well thats wrong i had for about two months. I played it for maybe two hours combined time playing. Another thing is that i never find myself under "peer pressure" to play halo. I simply play what game i want to play and not what someone else wants me to play. Bungie doesnt have a gun to your head or anyone elses saying "Play Halo or else". You have a choice to play it and you have a choice to not play. So if you dont like then dont play it. Dont go around the internet saying its an addicting drug and ruins a persons online expirience.
Well first of all, i believe this thread is more of a joke saying that halo takes up the majority of our time, not to literally say that we're "addicted to it". Also, i dont recall anyone stating that World of Warcraft was addicting, because it isn't. It bores me. Lack of guns and explosions= not fun for freshie. So, like i said. joke. we play it a lot. quit ruining our fun.
Actually yes. This has been the case with a few rented games and Soulcalibur IV. Although I got hooked on TF2 for awhile but now Im back on Halo again. But I'll return to TF2 when the times right.
I must admit i always get bored of halo and move on to somthing else yet i keep being dragged back to it (like a fat guy to a McDonalds). But i do play both halo and CoD.
Stop being a COD fan I enjoy halo.. Making sweet ass maps and then showing them off to my friends and fans.. I love forging, halo, and everything about it... Hell, I'm going to Anaheim California for MLG baby! Str8 RippiN all the way!
Wow OP, I give you mad props for the great 'Bungie is evil'-style write up to disguise your 'Call of Duty is better than Halo' post. You almost had me convinced. Except for the fact that you're ****ing retarded and have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
QFT. I read 4 lines into the post and immediately foresaw this being a CoD is Better post and read further to see where it would go. Honestly OP, we don't care if YOU think CoD is better than Halo, nor the fact that YOU are bored of Halo, and not even the way YOU simply bash the game in an anomaly to drugs. Because that's YOU, and the majority of US ForgeHubbers are NOT bored of Halo, and AREN'T addicted to the game. A long write-up of trash simply to disguise "OmG COD IS SOOOOO MUCH bETTER THAN HALO YOU SHOULD BE A CALL OF DUTY FAN. **** BUNGIE BECAUSE THEIR GAME HAS ME ADDICTED LIKE CRACK." You really do have a slim to none idea of what you're saying.
I'll say yes I always go back to Halo. But it's the same as why I go back to Elder Scrolls. It's a good game. The best game. It's not a drug, it's a basis. It's the best of the genre, and so I can always work with it. I can play it and have fun on it. EOS.
If you want to have fun, play Halo (custom games, forge, more fun-based gametypes, social playlists, etc). If you want to be competitive, play CoD (better Multiplayer gameplay).
Well I think Halo and CoD are completely different. I would say Halo is like 75% skill, 25% tactics, while call of duty is 20% skill (if that), 40% tactics, 40% luck. And I'm not just bashing on CoD, AI have CoD 4 and I play it all the time. I think it is just a fact that it is easier to do well in CoD then Halo. I mean you have to be pretty good to get 30-3 or something in Halo. And about peers making you play... All my friends have Halo but they all jumped on the CoD band wagon and only play WaW now
Okay... maybe I got off on the wrong start. You guys didn't get the idea. I don't play Call of Duty. I'm simply stating the facts that Call of Duty appeals more to hardcore gamers, which I am not. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't be in the same situation if I was a Call of Duty fan, but I'm not. I'm a Halo fan. This is because I am a creative gamer, I like to create stuff. So I find myself coming back to Halo time and time again [even if I don't want to] because there is no other game with a creative experience like it. And if there is than it's like Spore and it's not a multiplayer game, which I also like. This brings to subject if you could never have an empty custom game roster, than Halo would be perfect, which I will try to make in another post. And also dudes, a little judgemental much? Don't tell me to assort my hobbies or "play outside" because I run cross-country and track and hate it. I'm pretty sure nobody in this post knows what it's like to run 10 miles in one go... without walking.
Every single thought and notion I have on the OP can be summed into the single word of 'contemptible'.
Halo is not a drug- there is no substance that alters your brain to become addicted to this game. If you are addicted to the point where it is a problem and affects your life greatly- it is because you have poor self control and choose not to give it a break. When you get off, you should be able to think of other things. If you cannot do this, then you have a phycological problem which means that it is your fault for not being able to think of anything else, not the game's. Just because the game is great, doesnt mean that Bungie is the "tobacco of video stimuli."