Now Im not saying Ive heard anything. but do you think bungie may eventually create new armor permutations that will be availave for download via the XBL Marketplace?
It's been repeatedly stated by bungie that they will not do it. Not that they don't want to, but it would be impossible to do with how they wrote the game. To include new armor they'd also have to ship a new copy of halo 3 to everyone.
ODST is an expansion, it would not include new armor permutations, since it isn't possible to do with the original game.
...but i read that ODST comes with a disk with all halo 3 maps and thats what youll use for matchmaking now. so isnt it possible that they fixed the problem?
No, they won't, because there will people that will not purchase ODST, and it would corrupt their matchmaking if Bungie added armor. Not every person who owns Halo 3 is getting ODST.
Well let's put it this way. Not everyone will purchase ODST meaning they can't corrupt matchmaking for those people. Get it?
I'm not buying ODST. There. He has a source. Besides, it is common sense. Stop trying to act intelligent.
im not trying to act intelligent. im trying to act like an idiot. duh. but that has nothing to do with the topic. and i know not everone is buying odst, like people without xboxs.
i still agree with you Randle, but i have to make this point: Bungie would corrupt matchmake for some people by adding new map packs that not everyone can afford, so whats to stop them from FORCING people to buy odst to play matchmaking? they practically do it anyway with map packs.
yeah right. Its ok to be an idiot sometimes, no need to pull the old "sorry my friend was the one who said that not me" lol
To add to randal scandel, although they have the second disk for the multiplayer, they didn't rewrite anything. They just took off the campaign and added every map.
oh, so you think im kidding? talk to mavrick145. he knows my friend, and he'll know its true. and scobra it seems like your being quite the "excuse" right now :haha: