ROUGE TEAM VERSION DOWNLOAD ROUGE DESCRIPTIONA competitive team based, symetrical foundry map. Rouge is a fast paced, and medium in size. (The normal bases of foundry are blocked off and the remaining square is the map) This is the team version of the map. Free for all - Multi team version will be released later. Two teams, Red vs Blue. Can support up to 8v8 but under 6v6 is recommended. VARIANTS Suits all team based games: - Slayer - Capture the Flag - Assault - King of the Hill - Oddball - Territories - VIP PRIMARY WEAPON OF BATTLE RIFLE IS A MUST WEAPINS - EQUIPMENT 6x Covenant Carbine 2x Brute Shot 2x Mauler 1x Needler 3x Plasma Grenade 1x Power Drain PRIMARY WEAPON OF BATTLE RIFLE IS A MUST IMAGES Overview of ROUGE Overview of ROUGE 2 View from middle of ROUGE Underview of ROUGE View of ROUGE base NOTES - Currently working on FFA / Multi-team version. (will have to change spawns, some weapons and possible some walls.) - If you find any problems, ie. bad spawns, weapons not spawning (like fuel rod glitch), etc. Post them here. - Thanks for comments and constructive criticism.
Looks like a great competitive map but can't help but notice it looks like that MLG foundry map? Maybe you took some ideas from that? Looks nice. edited Who rated this a 2 star? it just got posted too i think, it has 1 rating and its a 2? come on, you could at least be nice and give it 3? 2 star means bad, 3 star is average. its not bad by anymeans I think. Sorry JD to come here and get that your very first time around, IT is not a bad map, Im only going by pics and can say that much.
Your the second person who's said that. I actually began creating the map before seeing the MLG version (i believe is onslaught?) After playing on the MLG version, it gave me the idea of 'opening' the bridge in the middle as it played a lot better. Before, the bridge was a lot more closed off. Hope that clears things up. Thanks for comment though.
Cool, and sorry for the rude cats here, its not a "bad" map if you go by the 2 stars rating, dont worry about that, ill rate when i play it. Welcome to ForgeHub SLY JD.
Definitely looks like you we inspired by that MLG map. But this ireally not that mch alike except for theone bridge. But I like the map.
The FFA / MT version is coming along quite nicely. Much has been remade, it still has the same basic layout, but I'm incorporating a 4 base approach. Therefore, on spawn, not team/player would be handicapped by their spawn (I can here the cheers already), like people always are on maps such as guardian, high ground, etc.