Wind Fang by Kazega Ryuu discussion/download Wind Fang is one of my later Sandbox works. it can house 12 players comfortably for some 6v6. 8v8 can be done easily CTF and Slayer are great set ups for this map. Bases are open but at the same time easy to defend. Everyone who has played this map as suggested that I put through to ATLAS and this latest version hasn't been tested yet so I can only hope that it is even better than before. Thank you for reading. action shots will be posted tomorrow. Download
Looks nice and probably plays well. I really like the layout of the bases a lot. They seem uncampable unlike sandbox.... 4/5 next time try something in the crypt maybe? I would like that BTW: are you negative 2900experience? BTW2: change your signature to say windfang is posted
I like how the bases are open and breathable. The one issue I have is that I feel like you kind of overused ramps in the middle. I would make an amazing middle structure out of interlocked columns to kind of form some kind of claw shape. I think that you should also, just as a non necessary thing, but you could possibly interlock a wooden brigde into the gap in the bases where the two halves converge. It's really a little gap that you have to jump instead, but any little touch can improve the feel of the map. Hope others can help and good luck with the improvements!
NOTE: The Version of Wind Fang on my File Share is a previous version of the map. I only recently found this out. You can still download and look at the map but it won't match any pics. I will work to get the latest version up but since I screwed up and saved the map it could take a while. thanks for the advice GreenElite Taco King I have a Crypt map in the forums
alright it took a little while but I got the latest version up. I took GreenElite and T4lent's advice on bridging the two halves of the base and added some Geomerging. it isn't the best geomerging but I am still learning that aspect of Forging.
Only thing I really feel is worth mentioning is that there is so much cover in between structures that I think it would be difficult to manuver the Warthogs and Ghosts (Not as much with the latter).
You are getting better and better at forge KAZ and it shows in this map. The gameplay has become very good and your spaws are making the map much more enjoyable as you tweek them. Great playing map and keep at it!!!!