Could someone please tell me if you switch the gametype in forge to say ctf, would the items you put only show up in ctf. I need to know because I might block a path off in one of my maps during ctf and assault but don't want it blocked off all the time. I would go find out on my own but I'm away from the xbox. Thanks
no (damn i had to add extra text because 2 characters isn't a valid message so i thought i'd point out that the only way that kinda thing works is by asym and sym options)
change gametype in forge will only let you place points specific to that gametype, like goals and starting points, however everything else will stay in all game types. However as KevinB stated, if you click a block and set it to "symetrical" or "Asymetrical" the piece will only show up in an "even" game, or a "one-sided" gametype respectively.