I have the entire map and pic's on my site. please click on the link below to view. I know it was against the rules, but it was much simpler this way! Give it a try! H Y B R I D - Pitch Black Download here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=83215111 †[SIZE=+0]P I T C H - B L A C K†[/SIZE] Download here: Pitch Black Author's: H4BR1D 50LD13R Gametype(s): INFECTION-infection gametype. Zombies have normal health and are fast. alpha is very powerful, but can be killed. i suggest a timed gametype! Player's: 10-16 Story: All player's spawn in a different base around Sancturary. Their objective...Survive the time limit. They're 4 bases to take cover in. or you can drive in the night. Origin: This is the first map, my freinds and I made on Sandbox. The maps Origin comes from a sandtrap map that was just vehicles. players were able to race around the map and try to survive. This map has abled us to create bases outside the real building area. they're 4 bases surounding the main area, "Sancturary". Which was created by me. I also edited the bunker. Here's the catch, after 180 seconds, the map go's dark! here are some pic's of the map: Sancturary: H4BR1D 50LD13R Sancturary, is the main base located in the middle of the map. Sancturary has many vehicles and weapons. only thing is that, it is very unprotected. main idea, of this structure: get in, get out! This is inside the main structure. if you look on the tables they're different assortment of weapons. Sniper Base: marksman93 This is the Sniper Base, mainly located on the cliff. If your mainly a long range, this is your choice. But wacth out, its easier to get into than it is to defend! Outpost: xxPxSxYxCxHxOxx This is a small and simple base. very easy to make use of. There are few vantage points in this base. all i have to say is whatch your back. The deathpit has been blocked off, so you don't fall and get stuck. Hobo Base: H4BR1D 50LD13R [SIZE=+0]This is the simplest base on the map. Very easy to defend. No comment. (We had low supplie's so we just built this!)[/SIZE] Bunker: H4BR1D 50LD13R This is my favourite, out of all the bases. very good looking and very good to use as a holdout base. as you can see they're 2 mongoose's and 1 ghost. on the roof there is a snper rifle and a good vantage point of the map. Thats it, hope you enjoy! k, i do not know how to put the rater up.
Here. This should help you. If you don't provide at least one embedded screenshot, this thread will be locked. And you need to provide a link to the map on your fileshare. Try harder next time you post a map, and read the rules.
Please let me know if there's any thing else i need to do. to see more pics go to my site. a link is included!
for future maps, post the pics on the actual post, i realize they may be on your website but most people dont want to have to go somewhere else to see the pics.
Why is there one pic? You need pictures of the map. I can barely see anything from that 1 picture. Try putting some pictures up that you havent edited with photoshop, but that 1 pic, is that the entire map? if so then its incredibly small and should have more objects. Ill DL and update...
So you knew it was against the rules, but wanted to do it quicker.. right.. Is this infection? If so what's with the scorpion? That is definitly unbalanced unless the zombies are fast and can take a lot of damage. I could easily drive around the scorpion in a warthog covering his/her back until they reached a base and backed up against a wall. Although nice forging with the bases.
dude, there is already a map with this name and this is almost exactly the same except with more bases. You also need to embed some pics. You really have no choice
k, this is not the entire map. i shall include the rest. I am a big fan of infection, but can anyone tell me how to make a great balanced map for infection? This is my first post so i admit its crapy!
Looks like a really fun map with quite a bit of choice for how to defend yourself. Plays really well and looks great with the effects! Especially with how you've lit up the dune bases, loved it.
I deleted the last map that was similar to this, using the whole map, because it did not have very good gameplay. I'd like to download this but you did not include a gametype. You must provide a gametype if your map requires one, not tell us to make one. Fix this or your map will be locked in 24 hours. No Gametype = No Download
Okay so apparently i wasn't thorough enough before, The sniper base is a really good and very attractive idea. Although it is a little rough that doesn't really matter. The blue base (the one that is your favorite) is amazing i love how when you get on the turret your looking down the barrel not from 3rd person. My only thing is the tank/ warthogs. You should have them set to not respawn if you want them to be usable. That way you can't have like 4 tanks driving around mutilating zombies. If the gametype from Final Day is what you use to play this then the mongoose and ghost are kinda pointless? I mean that is if you can't use vehicles at all, idk iv never made a gametype so idk if you can set what vehciles can be used and all that. If you can that disregared the respawn for the vehicles. All in all great job, i could see this being used for the Zombie League, that plays all zombie maps. From overall layout/ design, and gameplay (yes i played it already with some friends) id have to say a 5/5 my firend. It's very fun but very drawn out. But hey who doesn't like a long lasting challenging zombie game?
Th alpha zombie should have a gravity hammer and a sword. there should be 2 alpha's. If the two alphas can work together its a lot easier taking down the tanks, there is a gametype for it, but one of my freinds has it, and i need him to put it up on his file share, (he's on vacation to Africa, to see his grandparents.) The reason i do not make up another is cuz i really do not know what the settings were so it will be a lot easier just to get the real one back. (i thought this was a map site, not a Gametype site?)
Well its actually both, you can submit maps and gametypes. And i think somewhere there is a creative gametypes thread. But most people who make an infection map make a infection gametype for their map as well.