You may have seen a thread by me previously with some of the stencils i made. Well here are the final products. I made a few more but these are the ones i'm inserting into my essay. I'll be editing them on computer, removing blurs and marks, balancing colours and adding more detail soon.
Nice, were doing this sorta stuff in my arts lessons at school (when I go back), but none look as good as this.
God i LOVE the Hendrix one, all 3 are just awesome. The King Jr. ones are pretty cool, but i like the second one more than the first red/dark one. The Upward fist is pretty nice too.
Thanks guys. I handed all my stuff in so i doubt i'll be seeing them again Be making some more in about 2 weeks time but unfortunately for a completely different theme.. sad face.
...Anything wrong with that? Anyway, ****ing awesome. I'd buy this if I saw an artist selling it. Great job.
The exact same thing as 'white' power. PErsonally, they don't interest me except the fist one. Good Job with it.