I know everybody has probably already done this but i want to do it. I tried once but it didnt work out too well. I cant really play on Legendary but i have beaten the game on Heroic. I have the Iron skull and i know where the ghosts are, I just need some people to help me with it because its bothering me that i havent got it. Just reply up here if you want to participate. Thanks
Err, I wish I saw this first. Well add me to the list, since the three of us need it. Sending Friends Requests as we speak, and I have a fourth person if we can't find another. When we're all on we'll do it. C U L8R!
I'll join, but I'd like to be 100 % confident that these people can not die every 3 seconds on ledgendary, have mics and will communicate, and that they won't quit, even after 4 and a half hours of gameplay. PM me when you're ready, I'll keep checking back to the thread to find out if you meet my above requirements.
Good luck. My Game getting annual achievement lasted almost seventeen hours (Including breaks.) BTW; when your on the ghosts, stay together. Sentiniels pick off stragglers like crazy.
i already dun it so i thought id give you a tip. when you hit the first check piont after the terminal and mythic skull, go to the left side of the tower (when facing out the cave) if you go there you can jump up, but you need to work together. 1 person (a)stands still and another person (b) jumps on thier head. this is a double jump. (b) jumps up to the ledge and (a) jumps right after him. becuase (a) jumped straight away, (b) will jump off his head again and on to the ledge. rinse and repeat. when it comes to the last person there is a little snow hill. stand on it a plasma grenade jump up to the ledge. dont everyone do this that way it minimalises casualities and restarts.
I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATED Getting Annual. I wish you luck though the better people the better off. I was with my friends and they really arent great so it took us 5 hours but I hope that dont happen to you
Can we have 4 people who promise they won't suck / quit? Count me as one, depending on when the time is. Try not to start it too late, I'm starting college as of tomorrow, and I live in the UK so you're 5 hours ahead of us. (Presuming you'll let me play)
A lot of you guys are making it sound like this achievement was impossible to get. It really wasnt, and shouldnt take more than an hour and a half at most to get. Really just skip the first half of the level by grenade jumping up to the left side of the tower. Then you can plasma nade jump up onto the center spine of the tower. Next you can just walk up the tower and immediatly trigger the flood to come. And just sit up top there while johnson picks off all the flood.
haha my friend and i are doing it that way with a couple people. anybody who still needs to do it feel free to join us.
damn my bad guys. ive been out of state for a couple weeks. just send me friend requests if you want to help. it would be helpful if you had mics and wont quit. thanks, ill check the thread often,
I know a trick that makes the level a whole lot easier. Send me a Friend Request as well as a message that you're from Forgehub, and we'll do it! Say, tomorrow (Monday) sometime?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...aster-annual-achievement-thread-spoilers.html Don't reply to the thread though, please. It's just a guide I made. I may be able to help today, but I have my doubts.