Savor Map Hello, my name is Saintz G2 and I'm quiet new to ForgeHub so tell me if I did anything wrong. I've made a Capture The Flag (CTF) map on the pit for intense flag fighting situations. It has all the things you need in an normal map but better. Its a One Flag map and each team takes turns to defend it. 5 minutes per round and theres 5 rounds.Each round ends after the blue team captures the flag. Equipment: Ghost x2 Mongoose x2 Red Team (Defending) Fuel Rod Gun x2 Sniper x2 Energy Sword x2 SMG x1 Needler x1 Brute Shote x1 Spartan Laser x4 Battle Rifle x4 Machine Torrent x4 Radar Jammer x2 Regeneration x2 Active Camo x1 (respawns every 2 minutes) Blue Team (Attacking) Battle Rifle x3 Shotgun x3 Sniper x3 Sentinel Beam x2 SMG x2 Gravity hammer x1 Bubble Sheild x4 Flare x4 Grav Lift x4 Powerdrain x4 Oversheild x2 : Halo 3 File Details - Savor One Flag Game Variant : Halo 3 File Details - Savor Map Blue Team (Attacking) Red Team (Defending)
I know you have probably put some time into this map so no offence when I say it probably won't really be appreciated. Not many people want to play a map with that many power weapons... very imbalanced. But hey if you find that fun, then who am I to tell you not to do it. Your post was good for your first time too.
Yeah. Don't ever just give teams a whole load of power weapons right off the bat and send them against another team. Maps are fun based off of balance of weaponry and usage of cover and stuff. Spread out your weapons to different parts of the map, get rid of most of it, and you will have a nice, challenging game that people have to think about to win it. This just seems unoriginal and boring.
i disagree almost entirely, maps like thos can be hilariosly fun. just as longas you dont give one team more guns than the other, and make it spawn camping proof. for flag, it looks a little impossible and im assuming that defenders always spawn in sword room? if so it will be bad because the attackers could spawn kill. nice effort tho.
he made it like that for a reason, it seems really fun. I really think it would be better for multi-flag though. there would be alot more chaos. I've tried alot of maps like this and they are loaded with fun with alot of people. I think that the fusion coils should be removed. Good job though.
It looks like a good concept, but the execution unfortunately seems flawed. Looking at the weapon set, it would appear severely imbalanced. However with the difficulty to breach the defenders base, that might not be the case. And I'm not sure if you only spawn in the one attic, and if there is a way up there, but I could easily see attackers being spawned killed by a turret or a sniper is those two circumstances are true. It also looks like you were very lazy with the map. I see no major changes to geometry other then those barriers, and they're very simplistic. I'm sorry to say, but it seems like you threw this together in five minutes. Or, at least, it could have been.
There are way too many power weapons. Too many power weapons for big team and that wouldn't even work on the pit. It is a good idea, but a little too power weapon filled for the gameplay to work smoothly. Sorry. Goood try though.
I have a map that I made just like this. The name of the map was armory, and it was a bit better than this because it had a Covenant and UNSC side. The gameplay was great, there was even 2 equipment rooms as well on the highest part of the map. I love the concept, but I did it first. So if you want to take the casual credit, go ahead. But I will post my vesion and beat yours! No but for real this should be moved to the casual section. And I have made such a map, and I'm being modest when I'm saying it was a bit better...though you have a CTF variant set up. Damn it!
Meh.. Power weapons, power weapons, power weapons, and more power weapons.. This can be fun sometimes, but still gets boring fast.. PLEASE try to at least make something different than just weapons and starting points (btw they are unfair, one team in sword room other up top?) Maybe take away one way to go, like blocking of Long Hall or OverShield Hallway
I'll be honest, all the power weaps can get boring. FOR US! Many none-site users will love maps like this, due to there love of mindless games. sadly to be one of those people you will never have-nor will see this. So to spread this more i'd just play customs with your friends, say its on your file share and hope. The post was good, and the map looks ok but simple, and easy for anyone to make. But you said its your first posts so probs one of your first maps? if so then this is excellent for a start. Check out forge 101 and make even better stuff. Plus its pre-DLC so again not bad for a start.