Mythic DLC MLG Assembly V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by parkin21, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    MLG Assembly V4 MLG Assembly V4
    By nick aka mr s

    MLG Assembly V4

    MAJOR UPDATE: Map is now in v4, although the post still reads as v3. SPAWNS FIXED, you are now less likely to be spawn camped. Also changed the OS to spawn 120 seconds into the game, and will spawn every 120 seconds after that. this was done to prevent serious overpowering at the beginning of the game. ALSO I HAVE NOT REMOVED EITHER MAULER OR ROCKETS, UNTIL I HAVE AT LEAST 20 COMMENTS GOING AGAINST A CERTAIN WEAPON. JUST A REMINDER, BUT ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 2009 I WILL BE PLAY TESTING FROM 3PM-6PM PACIFIC ADD ME ON XBOX LIVE MY GT IS: nick aka mr s
    Alright guys this is my first map posting on forgehub. Just wanted to show you the small revisions i have made to assembly to make it playable with MLG Team Slayer V6. First is the weapons list, and then i'll post some screen shots. P.S Rockets and Mauler are on drop spawns. The spawn times are a hybrid of The Pit and Guardian spawn times
    Battle Rifle x8 10 sec 2 spr clip
    Carbine x3 90 sec 2 spr clip
    Mauler x1 150 sec 1 spr clip
    Rockets x1 180 sec 1 spr clip
    Plasma Grenades x6 30 sec
    Frag Grenades x10 30 sec
    1x Custom Powerup (OS) Place at beginning of round: NO
    Next we will have the screen shots. Both bases are exactly alike so i will only post screenshots of one base
    First is blue base. Spawn
    Next we have first carbine located opposite the lifts inside each base
    BR tunnel with 2 frags, behind the lifts.
    First plasma spawn on OS side of each base
    Now for the real changes that effect MLG
    Custom powerup spawn underneath the railing that has a carbine resting on it
    Center structure. Removed the Shield and placed two BRs inside on each window
    Mauler spawn, on drop spawn, where gravity hammer used to be
    Rocket spawn, drop spawn, 2 plasma grenades at entrance to lit, and BRs on the sides on R2 (to the right where the light is)
    P.S removed explosives from both rocket and mauler spawn.
    Thanks for looking at my map, and feel free to leave comments and suggestions on how i can make this better. If you wish to play feel free and add me on xbox live my GT is: nick aka mr s
    #1 parkin21, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  2. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    #2 InnerSandman13, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  3. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    ey i fixed em thanks for the thread
  4. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    Try checking out the testers guild, post your map there before letting it lose to the whole place, its like a place to prep your final map, make sure everything works, just learn how to post there (e.g. timezones) here

    Hope this helps get testers, and thats tomorrow. I advise about a weeks notice before the acctual game to give people time to choose to test
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You have 2 power weapon on a litle MLG map , that to big remove that and good weapon placement . 4/5 because a rocket and mauler !
  6. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, weapon placement is pretty right on and this looks like a good mlg map. Although i think you should do one of two things with the rockets and CP. 1st thing you could do is take the rockets out and move the CP up there so that its more visible and somewhat harder to get to. And second suggestion is to just move the CP up above where you have it now, and then set it "spawn at start: no" Ok so overall id give the map 4.5/5 good job. Qued' for DL
  7. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    thanks for the comments, duckman620 ill change it so that it doesnt spawn at start, good idea,but the rockets are there to balance the overshield, and mauler spawn can be spammed nades so you really dont want to get it unless you have a plan. From who ive played it with it works out pretty good, and if u wanna try it out add me on xbl my gt is in the description, and we can find some people. i will definately be on tomarrow, 8/25/09 from 3pm-6pm pacific time so feel free to add me
  8. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    although i've never seen an mlg map on assembly, i did play this map with some friends and i have to say, it was quite fun and exhilirating. Howver, the spawns were somewhat predictable and the fact that there is two power weapons is a major fail, but all you have to do now is fix the spawns and the rocket and maler spawn, and again you might want to put this through the testers guild. congrats again.
  9. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    haha thanks yeah im fixing spawns right now so i will fix the download link in about 40 min when im done thanks, tho

    dont know what to delete, mauler or rockets. rockets balance the OS, but mauler is not as cheap.... oh the decisions
  10. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
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    havn't really done much but deleted everything and put rockets and a powerup on the map
    you could hardly call that your own map.

    dose it play ctf, oddball, king?
    personally i think this map would work really well as a FFA map but thats just my opinion.
    try adding some barriers or whatever so you can actually say you've done something to the map.
  11. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah this looks cool! people are wrong saying you've done nothing, if anyone tried to 'redesign' Guardian there would be uproar. the weapon placement looks good, but just one question. in your weapon list you havent listed the number of spare clips? the rockets for example on such a small map would be better off having no spare clips. hopefully this is the case???
  12. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
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    what has he done to the map exactly?
  13. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    oh hey jaya, so those barriers. yeah this is a set-base map, so i didnt really need to add barriers. actually before i posted the map there were barriers, but i decided to get rid of them when they broke the flow of the game. p.s not every mlg map needs huge changes. look at mlg guardian 6.1. did they add BARRIERS? nope

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