yeah the only reason i would do the N1GHTSTR1KE one is because my brother and his friends all have N1GHT in their gamer tag
I'd suggest changing it to N1GHTSTR1KE if you are going to change it, although doesn't it cost $10 or something like that??
Personally, I would go with anything but N1GHTSTR1KE. I hate 'leetspeak' in gamertags. But, this isn't about me. You should pick a gamertag that you like. Our opinions shouldn't matter.
((in a sarcastic tone)) thanks vinny ((in a real tone))thanks everyone else and to the other dark i see what you mean by it should my opinion that matters but some of my friends are pretty harsh at times like this one guy gaspurdead, well my friends always call him gastby, it just makes no sense
i agree with no 1337 on this one. i can't stand it. I went with lunar blade, i dont really like it but it's the best choice.
If enough people report your GT, then Xbox Live will force you to change your name, and you don't have to pay. Personally I don't think you should choose N1GHTSTR1KE, one of the other ones that are more original would be my choice, but that's just me.
You should take a little more time to think it over since it is a bit much. One thing to come up with interesting names is to flip to random pages in the dictionary and check out random words. It's how I made one of my first gamertags... Core Entity (apparently entity is some kind of ghost or supernatural being, but it makes for one cool screen name) also you could go for something more goofy like Private Blueberry or Donot Nipples, but I'd say think it over some more because the ones you have now aren't original at all. Good luck and I hope I could help.
Great minds think alike bro. BUT ANYWAY: Here are the good names. Imahotgirl Birdo Chefboyardee MLG Noobcombo Iworkatbungie Iworkatmicrosoft ihaveahugeone HxC PMS ihaveanafro