Twisted Steel A small map that I made. It's great for two person duels and custom slayer games. It features a destructible bridge, two bunkers multiple levels, smooth architecture and close combat. Enjoy and critique.
'Tis hard to enjoy and critique without a dl link and some screenshots. I am not sure if is still down, but heres the photobucket way just to be safe. Welcome to Forge Hub and just make sure that you read and understand the rules. If you need any more help you can PM me.
Thanks, and sorry. Thought the pic would show up. I didn't know it was this complicated. My gamertag is the same as my username. This map is in my fileshare.
According to the forum rules, you need more than one pic in a map post, unless you have a video and walkthru. Embed Screenshots in your Map Thread again heres the link to the rules. no one else should post saying it is not up to forge hub standards, if so you will be reported for spam.
So I downloaded this following through his gamertag, and this isn't a horrible map, I believe you should remake it on the ground floor of sandbox so you don't have the double walls curling and making bumps as they do. It's obvious you know how to interlock, now maybe with some practice you could really turn this into a great map. It does seem to favor the team with the upper level of the base I noticed. Possibly change that a bit? make a v2 on the ground level of sandbox, and you'd be on your way to a good map.
Thanks to both of the above. To Noxiw: i would have made it a lot bigger but i ran into a problem where i would still have 500 dollars, but whenever i would spawn an object it would say, "cannot create object, too many on map." any solutions? Kronos001, thanks for putting my pic.
In regards to the "cannot create object, too many on map" problem, you have hit the OLN limit. I suggest using an OLN canvas next time, and do not delete the original items (these items do not count against the OLN limit) Now about the map. The layout is simple and small, and probably wouldn't play well for more than 4 people (I just played a 1v1). The spawns are pretty poor, and I noticed in forge that you didn't set up any respawn areas, so a player can pretty much just respawn anywhere. Also, the first one to take control of the upper level will dominate on this map (the sniper, needler, shotgun, and only sticky are located here). This map has few weapons on it (1 BR, 1Shotgun, 1 Snipe, 1 Needler, 1 Splazer, 1 Sticky) almost all the power weapons are on the upper level, which is only accessible from 2 points. Spawn killing can become a problem from up there, as there is a lack of cover. Also, there are many noticeable gaps in the flooring and walls. This is not a terrible thing, but it does make this map less appealing. In short, next time add more structures for cover, make sure that there are multiple ways to access each part of the map, and add more weapons. Hope this post has been helpful.
Although we can't see much from that pic, it does look like you have some nice structures that are well merged. Why is there like 6 weapon holders up top though?
To ehand; thanks for the criticism. The reason for all of those problems pretty much is because of the too many objects. I had finished the layout and was putting spawns and weapons when i couldn't put any more, making the map off balanced weapon and spawn wise. As for the higher ground part, I have heavily taken that into consideration. It does make whoever is up there dominate everyone else. I have noticed this in some custom games I've had on there. Thanks for the download link. To meteor; the weapon holders are there because the bridge would fall apart when you stepped on it without them. That really is it. Any way, much appreciated criticism. I feel like I am missing a bunch of things in my maps now.
Hadd more pics guys ! For do it its simple go on photobuklet and sing up after upload your picture you want and take the last link ! Put i will download it for see what is it !