Changing gametype before placing items?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Imnickjames13, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    So i feel extremely stupid but i have to ask when you change the gametype in forge and you place items other than the objective items (spawns, flags, etc) will those items only be there during that gametype. Like right now i'm designing a map that is almost a cross between orbital(two bases next to each other with a 2 U-shaped paths) and construct(upper level(s) looking over a central area [courtyard] on the bottom). I wanted to be able to open up the bases and make that side into something more like the lobby or glass room of construct for KoTH games? Would this be possible or would i have to make 2 versions of the map?

    If that is to stupid to follow I build an enclosed base on my map. I change gametype to KoTH and and replace this enclosed base with a more open space. Would this work?

    I would try it for myself but i am not able to currently as i am sharing a TV with my roommate who does not play video games so finding time to forge is difficult.
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    You could tell some objects not to spawn in team games. You could tell other objects TO spawn in team games. You can do this by clicking x on the object, and switching it to spawn in symmetrical/asymmetrical gametypes.

    That's really the only way to do it.
  3. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea i already know about the symmetry settings but thats not quite it. i wanted to have like a section that was different for team king then for team slayer. i guess i would just have to have 2 different versions of the map
    #3 Imnickjames13, Sep 1, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Yeah then you would. But I guess it's a whole different map then anyway, so it makes sense you'd have to save 2 versions.
  5. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    okay thanks. I was hoping that i could do it this way but i would probably never get that far and still have not hit budget/object limit. that is if i ever get far enough that one version is finished. I always start maps and just leave them as half finished ideas.

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