great a smudging tut! im glad to see all these tuts coming out. if you want critique on the sig, its too bright on both sides of his face sorry just had to comment on that. other than that its a good tut thanks
I'm not too impressed with the signature, but I really like the way the tutorial turned out. This should really help people learn the style. Nice job miraj
Yeah... I didn't like the sig too much either. The render I choose was not too good for this tutorial, i'll admit.
the sig was fine you just lost all quality somewhere in the process. Its all blurry and nasty. Thanks for sharing your Brush mod set tho.
You grab the layer in the layer 'list' to the side, and drag it below the other layers. Unless you use GIMP, then I have no idea.
Same in GIMP, people always assume that GIMP is like a totally different program than PS, but as far as everything involved in sigs, it's pretty much the same. Just easier to use. And there's no liquefy command.