How old do you think people started having sex back in ye old days. I can tell you that 15 would have been a little above average back then. And don't kid yourself, once people find how to get pleasure, many will do what they can to obtain it. This would have been like this throughout history. Besides, what's wrong with animals? At least they have the right idea about life. Just worry about your next meal and breeding. Sometimes I wish I had such a simple life...
Indeed. Our whole society as Americans is a cultural wasteland of hipsters and douchebags, why not **** in streets? What I mean is, in comparison. It's quite sad to be so driven by your *****.
We are above animals in every way possible, we have self-control and morals animals do not, they only breed with each other to survive, we have a population of 6,500,000,000 + We don't need to go and have sex at the age of 15 when a humans life expectancy is 60-80. Simple life, lolz, Animals always live in fear of dying the next day, if that's the life you want be warned because a human can't really survive too long in the wild. Also, in Ye' old days the average life expectancy was around 25 so obviously 15 would have been optimal if not younger to have sex and bear a young. True, true...
Damn, RadiantRain just pwn'd that n00b. Yeah, seriously people. Go to the library or something. Read Franz Kafka, watch TV. Keep your **** in your pants.
Back here in stupid Britain, it's illegal for under 18s to watch people have sex, but they (providing they're over 16) can have it themselves. Not that I watch porn, but it's a **** up in law. Then again, technically speaking, I was 15, and she was a bit over 16 when we first did our thing, so by our political standards, my girlfriend is a paedophile. It's really fun calling her it as well, she gets irritated so easily. But yes, the law gets confused and ****s up when it comes to sex, simply because most politicians are scared of it and never had it themselves, as their rich mummies told them that it means they lose their hair or something stupid.
Moralaity is just random lines drawn at some place. I'm sure every single animal in the world has some form of morality. It may be different to ours and I'm sure we wouldn't understand their morals just like I can't understand some peoples morals. And if we are throwing around humanities gigantic ***** by stating how many we are. Insects have got us beat by a long shot. We'll never ever get close to their superiority. Self-Control is something we taught ourselves when we got more pressured into responsibilities. It's something that we teach our children, and even many of our pets. Hell you can see spiders exert huge self-control by waiting patiently for prey to get there. Same with many predators. They control themselves to wait in one position just for prey to get there. I'm sure most humans wouldn't have the same self control. Just because you belive animals do not have these things, does not mean they don't. Maybe it's different to our versions of it but I'm sure it's there. You say that like sex is just about reproduction for humans... Clearly not the case for a lot of people. And it's something I don't blame people for. With the amount of stress that we get in modern society, I wonder how some people would cope without some form of pleasure. I would prefer a simple life as humans. Not as animals. As much as I respect animals for some of their greater capabilities in several areas, I couldn't imagine living as an animal. I kind of got used to standing on two feet, you know how it is. No, by wanting to have a simple life, I would prefer a life where there is no standard to reach to live a nice comfortable life. Just that I know how to make shelter, food and get water. Where I can spend my days with other people being just as relaxed as I am. A fantasy, sure. But a simple life. A simple life that animals enjoy. And there's always a threat to dieing. Generally we just feel secure. Entirely different things. An animal may have the threat of dieing but I'm sure they feel secure quite as often as humans, compartivly speaking. Also, in Ye' old days the average life expectancy was around 25 so obviously 15 would have been optimal if not younger to have sex and bear a young. On an odd note, I don't understand why having sex with animals means we are becoming more primal when we do it for pleasure while animals do it out of neccisity. I'm not entirely sure since I'm just a lowly n00b who's just fresh of being 'pwnd' but I think that these count as spam.
If you starve an animal next to another of its kind, it would perform Cannibalism, if you hug an animal it will kill you, animals kill on instinct. Starve a human next to a human and they will try to find food, hug a human and it is a sign of compassion, we don't kill on instinct anymore. Humans live 60-80 years, an insect 1-2 weeks. But that's on instinct not because they have actual self-control, they don't stop themselves from eating a cub. Or stop themselves from eating their mates. Very different and this difference is what separates us. How can you be so stressed that you need to have sex under the age of 18? Sex, Eat, Sex, Eat. Hmm that's very simple actually. You are going too simple, I don't think you understand how hard it is to survive under that idea. Get water make your shelter, what if a hurricane passes, or the river dries up or you are attacked by other animals. What we have now is as simple and as comfortable as it can get. Watch some Animal Planet lolz, because if they felt secure I'm sure they would not need to have sharp senses and amazing speeds. If you have sex at a younger age it is not out of love it is out of lust, that Love/Lust is what separates us from animals. I lol'd to.
*Looks around. How was I being cute? Okay, I'm not sure if i should take that as an insult, or not. Because, Radiant seems to be for the law, and age limits, and she was the one that said it. But then Chuck came and used it to call me childish. I really don't care, but I'm confused haha.
Epic. Like every biology teacher has ground into your brain once said, sex is pleasurable because it promotes the survival of the species. Ergo, have sex, save humanity.
Just make sure not to cut him and yer all gud. And why do I have a gut feeling this will thread will eventually reach the subject of Bestiality?
Older than 18 + Younger than 16 = Rape 16-17 and younger equals statutory rape -16 and -16 is a misdemeanor Methnks... That's what my teacher said in sex ed in 8th grade...
A 17 year old and a 9 year old? No. I dont think so. For sexting, you get listed as a sex offender and have to go to jail or if you actually have sex....thats a couple steps up...