Well, I guess my first post should be about soemthing that is argued amongst randomly matched players in Social Skirmish, Team Objective (recently retired, thus ruining my hopes to become a colonel), Squad Battle, and Social Big Team. I try to always get a team strategy in pre-game because I always get the usual BKs (Bad Kids), eating, no mics, noobs, annoying, COMMANDO, and so on and so forth. What I usually see happening is that there are always the guy who goes for laser/sniper, the noob who runs down long hall for rocks and dies every 10 seconds, a guy who is trying to boost his bungie.net stats, another guy who thinks he's hot stuff and rushes the other base and whine post-game, and me (the guy who is doing his best to delay the other team from winning and we end up losing from time, not score cuz of my l337 defense and Sk3Elz). But sometimes in MLG you will find the guy who tries to score the flag from across the map with no friendly to help. God knows that 4-5 people aren't enough for both strategies (maybe much less if you get the boosters or **** who like to quit at the start of a match or when the flag is dropped during a MLG flag-run. So you have to choose one. Pure Offense or Pure Defense? Offense Pros: -Score before they score -You can spawn kill them Offense Cons: -Your base and side are defenseless to eneimies thus prompting... -Getting spawn killed Defense Pros: -They can't win if they can't score -The enemies are free to roam their side Defense Cons: -(This is a big one...)The strategy is dead if they score once To be honest...I'm a defense guy. I love to sit there with a shotty or sword and just watch noobs run over my trip mines. I love to camp on my side and 4 shot and snipe. I love post-game trash talking when I point out that every enemy got at least -10 K/D. but most of all... I LOVE KILLING AND RECOVERING THE FLAG AT THE EDGE OF THE CAPTURE POINT. Offense is good too...but you don't feel that good if you're one away from rampage and some guy maulers you from a corner or something. I hope to see a good debate!
offensive easy, if everyone defended then no one could win. which would make a boring game. Both are key though, unless you capture fast which I do.
I like put myself somewhere central on the map and try to support both the guys pushing for the flag while still being close enough that when a teammate calls out that they're near our base or i here flag stolen i can still turn and put some shots on the guys on at my base or trying to escape with my flag