ODSTs have been shown Hi-jacking ghosts, driving warthogs and using turrets. There is No reason to stop them from using vehicals and improveing gameplay.
I was referring to my gametypes. I've tested it multiple times and figured it plays better with out ODSTs in vehicles. The only dissadvantage is that ODSTs can't use turrets, although turrets kind of become pointless in a gametype like this. If you really want Mongeese in your map, go ahead. And I'm pretty sure his map was inspired from my gametype.
What? I have no clue what you're trying to ask me. Matty and I are both using light themes, and to read it we have to highlight everything. Which is something you shouldn't have or want to do when you see a map. The vehicles are useless in ghost town, and ESPECIALLY for this map. I've played this map already, and the only good thing they were good for was screwing around or aesthetics. He also mentioned he took them out...
Okay, 1 Yes The Gamtype Was Inspired By Cory021. Now Vechiles, I'm Not Getting Rid Of. Now Rifte Gifle Again. I Seen Your Maps. To Me I Just Think They Aren't Very Good. Now This Is My 3rd Map Post. Don't Blame. The Map Needs Inprovements And I've Been Working Very Hard On Working On 3 Maps + This One. So Sorry If Its Not Up To Standards. I Will Fix Up. Cory Thanks For The Pic With The Custom Spawn Adn Teleporters. However There Are Now 6 New And Old Spot For The Teleporters. Check First Page For Beta Test Dates!