Right or wrong? I'll add more to it when arguments are presented, but I'll just say right now I am for it. Go.
I am for it too.It could help many many people who are parylized or suffer from some sort of cell disfunction.
They go into the trash if we don't use them... They could cure cancer, parkinsons, and diabetes. Why...aren't...we...using...it.
Sorry...but I just can't resist You sound like christopher reeve on south park. I just don't see a reason not to use it...it has too many advantages not to.
the ban of stem cells is closely tied to religion. Im for it. it can save lives, even enhance ourselves. I read somewhere that by around 2020, AI will be the same as the human mind, and well have the tech of robotic body parts for humans. Just in case stem cells do get banned
The reason most people that are against it, protest is due to a moral obligation to maintain the rights of the dead body, they treat it like a fully grown human corpse, and believe in the sanctimonious right of the body to be honoured. Others have very well constructed articles on it, based on the chance to allow the life to be lived, but still give in to religious law as the basis of the argument. I support stem cell research whole heartedly, but if I believed my soul went somewhere when I died, I might just change my views. Here is a link to a list of anti-stem cell arguments, the problem I have with this source is that the poster replied to each argument.
For it. Like Nitrous said, we don't use them for anything anyway, so why not use them for something positive?
I'm totally for stem cell research and I think the vast majority of the population is also for it. There are a few religious people who believe it is wrong. I can see their point but many people are paralyzed or disabled and stem cell research could do a world of good for them
I can see why people would be against it but honestly they are just shooting themselves in the foot. The possibility to cure aids, cancer, diabetes is something that should not be overlooked.
ROFL, I love that episode. But seriously, I'm guessing that the general consensus so far is that we SHOULD use stem cell research. Thanks to whoever linked to the arguments against it, but I still agree with stem cell 100%.
where did you read that? a science fiction novel? the brain operates at about 10 Quadrillion operations per second. The fast computer in the world? 1 peta flop, 10 times slower than a human brain. And thats ignoring that the human brain and computers function completely differently. AI is not about processing speed, rather the way we process. A human can identify HUGE amounts of data at once, while a computer can compute single calculations very rapidly. Put simply, a human is able to understand multiple languages perfectly every time. a computer can barely understand one and making many many mistakes. A computer can solve a math problem in seconds. A human may take minutes, hours, or days. lastly. A human can build a computer, a computer cannot. AI is generations away, if its even possible, we would have to revolutionize the way that computers work for AI to be possible on a "human level"
I feel very much for stem cell research. But some are against it completely. So It should be used if the parents consent, like if someone dies (no donor card) its up to next of kin. and i'd think that would be the parents (legally probably leaning towards the mother) to choose. Then those for it can choose to help, those against can say no. Everyone should win and be happy, even though most will complain about other peoples choices. This is what i dont understand about people who protest outside the labs for stem cell testing. Its legal, and the parents probably have agreed, so seeing there contribution to society has been slagged off, and protested would probably cut pretty deep. Also here it mentions it is possible for the research to be carried out on adults. So it isnt all embryos. =D
I say we should do the research and screw who ever gets "offended" by it ,because whats worse making someone mad or letting a curable disease kill thousands and millions if over a long span of time.
The number of computer transistors you can buy for $1 doubles every two years. [Source] If this pattern continues, by your own logic we will have a computer with the power of a human brain by 2016.
The reason it isn't advancing is because 1) religious right still has a lot of influence and 2) people don't understand what it is. Once again, America's ignorance is driving the lack of support for a valuable field. Whoo hoo plus one USA!!
It's actually the number of transistors per chip that doubles every two years. Electronic computations are already faster than electrochemical signals, the brain SEEMS superior because billions of processors are working in parallel. On topic, the restriction of stem cell research is... words? Archaic? Moronic? Naive? I find it intensely ironic that medical advancements that could save lives are being impeded in the sake of "morality". People against the research of stem cells don't deserve any treatment that may be derived from it.