Last stand

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Masturcheeef313, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Masturcheeef313

    Masturcheeef313 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, here's yet another infection map I've just completed. The map uses the exact same play-style as Cod: WaW's **** zombies: zombies break down windows, you defend the windows, you open up doors when available, etc. It can be used with almost any **** zombie gametype, and I've added a link to my gametype, also called 'Last stand'.

    Included in the map are openable doors, which are only openable after a certain amount of time. Open them by simply approaching them. There is a teleporter system, which can be activated in the final room ('mainframe'). The windows are boarded up with pallets, and human gravity is set to 200%. Weapons are available on the walls.

    With the gametype included, it takes a zombie two hits to kill a human, and several hits to the window to break the pallet. This is the same principle as cod5's zombie mode, in which zombies tear off the planks of wood from the windows. Human gravity is at 200%, and zombie gravity at normal. It isn't impossible for the zombies to survive, however, because human weapon damage is reduced to 90%.

    Following the download link are several screenshots. I ask you, before you criticize the map, please download and try it out first. Don't judge a map by its screenshots. Some of these screenshots can create an illusion, and create that awful 'big/boring' map look.

    Also, if you spot any problems/glitches, please let me know. Thanks!

    Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    A view of the starting room:

    Another view of the starting room:

    Left: First teleporter node. Middle: Openable door. Right: Window; where zombies come through.

    A view from the first openable door in the game.

    A view from the top of the stairway (looks confusing, I know. But trust me, it really isn't.)

    The second teleporter node, found on the second floor up.

    An openable door on the second floor.

    I don't want to spoil any surprises, so that's all I'm going to show you for now. I hope you enjoy, please comment back! Thanks :D
  2. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well it looks like you have given it a go havn't you and its good. Only thing is that:
    1. the windows are really sloppy. Try getting the to float up and block the whole window.
    2. people can and will breakout, cuasing havoc with the zombie spawns out side.
    Apart from that, well done.
  3. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
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    or, an even better fix, that alot of people don't know about. Put some walls so there is a mongoose you can't move and make it so humans can't use vehicles but zombies can. That way, the zombies get on the mongoose and when they get off, they get off inside the building. If I'm being too cunfusing send me a PM and I'll show you in forge.
  4. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your infection map look like the zombie **** in Call Of Duty Worl At War ! If is that you do a good remake ! I gonna download it and i gonna send you a message it could be in your V2 ! Good Forge 4.5/5 .

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