Pre-DLC 1v1 Spectate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by ShotRangE, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    1v1 Spectate

    Hello forgehub. I joined my friends custom game and they were playing a 1v1 with spectators but they weren't playing on the latest version of guardian. So I decided to make a spectating map on the newest version of guardian; MLG Guard v6.1. I'm not sure if anyone made a spectate map on v6.1 but yeah, it took me 40 minuites to put together anyways.

    So you want to 1v1 someone? And people want to watch? Instead of going to green and blocking the spawns, might aswell use my spectate map! There are 2 easy steps to start the 1v1.

    Step 1: Start the game and have everyone go top middle. The people watching go into the teleporter and the players stand on the explosives.

    Step 2: Have a spectator blow up the explosives.

    Once the explosives are blown up, the people who are playing 1v1 will then respawn. Once they respawn the fight begins!

    When you get into the teleporter it will take you to a 'seat' near the sniper tower, you can watch the action from there.

    What if the action moves somewhere else?
    Oh thats easy, just go through the 'two-way-node' and it will take you to another spot on the map!

    Oh yeah, the map might work for 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. I haven't tested that yet but it would probably work.
    Thanks for viewing my thread, please comment!
    Download - 1v1 Spectate
    #1 ShotRangE, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  2. Physx

    Physx Ancient
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    I'm not sure this belongs in MLG maps, this probably belongs in Casual Maps.

    Anyways, onto the map, it's a pretty good idea with the explosives and such. I've seen it done before but still an OK map. A pretty nice idea with the two-way node for spectating another spot. 5/10.
  3. ShotRangE

    ShotRangE Ancient
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    Well I think it does belong into MLG becuase it involves MLG? And yes you've seen it done before. I only made this because the other maps were for the old versions of guardian. This is the new version of guardian, so I decided to make a spectate map for MLG Guard v6.1
  4. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    The map looks good and the explosives are a good way to get fair spawns but, Having people spectating weighs spawns to. Just having them float there weighs down spawns on that area. Certainly not as badly as in green but none less. I would download but im running low on cue space so i don't think i can at the moment.
  5. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    lol, bit random... when I saw your name, shotrange, I expected another sick one like reverie! lololol. its a cool idea... but do the exploded fragments not get in the way?

    i personally think bungie should make it possible to 'join' a game in theater mode and then its like watching a film but its live! awesome idea eh?

    but i spose it works but its just a bit odd...
  6. Jaya

    Jaya Ancient
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    just because you use mlg gametypes dosn't mean its mlg. read the mlg standards thread.
  7. parkin21

    parkin21 Ancient
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    wow jaya, it does belong in this thread. Specifically because the map is a base map of mlg gaurdian 6.1 which is mlg layouts. and he uses the gametype. but most importantly the map complies with the mlg rules

    p.s i really like the idea, and it WORKS me and a bunch of friends always use this; therefore, it is a great map. Jaya criticizes everything, so don't fell like he's only criticizing your map.

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