Good thread. I use All-in-One Gestures, Chatzilla, Download Statusbar, FasterFox and PicLens (how awesome is it?) all from above. Some others: Colorful Tabs - Makes Firefox tabs purdy. It sounds (and is ) kind of fruity but I like it. Apparently you can change what colours appear and it has grouping settings for tabs from the same domain and such, but I haven't tried them. Extended Copy Menu - Simple add-on, replaces "Copy" when right clicking with "Copy as HTML" or "Copy as Plain Text". Good for if you're ever copying anything from a webpage into Word or something, or you use blogs and things. You may be surprised how often you use it. Fission - Adds the loading bar to the address bar, Safari style, and you can change the colour. Looks really nice, and it's easier. <3 Image Zoom - Adds zoom functionality for images. Duh. McAfee SiteAdvisor - Good little security thing which adds a safety rating to google search results (includes malware, viruses, if there's email imput anywhere it tests for spam, browser exploits, etc.) and in the corner of the broswer. Doesn't restrict your searching or anything, its just advice. Probably a good idea, if you do a lot of googling. A lot of pages have reports already but you can request them for your site and such (though I doubt you'll get much response) PDF Download - Lets you choose what to do with PDFs (open, download, convert to HTML and open). I hate PDFs so I love this. Tab Effect - Little animation transition thing between tabs. Useless, but HOW AWESOME DOES IT LOOK!? And thats mah contribution. I've downloaded the ForgeHub toolbar and taking a look at a couple other suggestions, thanks guys.
I'm using Personas now, with the Web Developer's kit skin. It's unusual having so much colour since I don't use themes but it's pretty cool.
Add To Search Bar Link: Description: This makes any pages search function available for use in the search bar at the top right of Firefox. Simply go the websites search page, hover your mouse directly over the search box, right click and hit 'Add To Search Bar'. That's basically it.
Firefox has something built in thats similar. Find a search bar, and right click inside it, then select "Add a keyword for this search". Put the keyword as something very short, say for ForgeHub it's fh, then go to the address bar and put that keyword in front of what you want to search, for example, putting in "fh zombies maps" into the URL bar would search for zombies maps on forgehub. I dont have the search box (removed it... right click the toolbars at the top and click Customise... you can move around all that stuff) and just have that instead Not trying to put down your add-on, just stating an alternative. If anyone reading this has IE and still thinks its superior, then you are a foooooooooool.
Hmmm... I thought I posted already. What I thought I said was, These are all great guys. I will update everything, with some sweet graphics and better orginazation... I will also have some other cool links (to techy stuff.) I might rename the thread, since it will be more than just Firefox add-ons, but keep 'em coming guys! EDIT: Oh yeah, can someone help me with personas? I have some graphics I want to use, but I don't know hat to do next... and they are my own graphics...
The download status bar was my favorite on the list. I LOVE it now! It was so annoying when I had to close it off the download window, or minimize it. Great add on.
Heres one i been using for quite some time now Its a tab overflow scrollbar. Basicly when you start to overflow on tabs, a horizontal scroll bar appears under the tabs, and makes it so much easier to get around to certian tabs. PRO HINT. GREAT FOR PR0NZ
I had some trouble with personas when I first downloaded it. Click View>Status Bar, if its not on already. Then on the left hand corner of the status bar there is the little fox. Click the fox, then click preferences. Its pretty self explanitory from then on. Oh ya, I'm not sure but I think the correct image size is 3000x200 pixels.
i use VideoDownloader it downloads youtube vids and other things like that
I have all that, but there is no preference menu anywhere... And boy o boy is this going to be awesome! I just found some of the greatest things ever!!! Including a convertor for all of your FF2 add-ons to convert automatically to FF3 Beta!!! I'll link it later... sorry, but I am busy now... I will embed it, but take this to tide you over until I can do that... Sorry for the double (and you can flame me, but I wanted to post this), but boy oh boy do my fingers hurt! THat was a ridiculous amount of coding, and it crashed on the last one the first time. Luckily, a little was saved in notepad. I guess I just wanted to say that it was done and I will be updating with you guys' suggestions tommorow. Good night.
You are only for getting the greatest firefox addon of all time. Roll Tube