Over 9000 challenge (not exactly a puzzle)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mad Max 3331, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Mad Max 3331

    Mad Max 3331 Ancient
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    The OVER 9000 Challenge
    Mad Max 3331 (with help from II is over9000)


    This map is designed to be a jumping challenge more than an actual puzzle but it does have elements of a puzzle in it. It was loosely inspired by the Prince Of Persia series (xbox version). My goal was to make a map that wasn't that hard to figure out but extremely difficult to execute. It is long and the hard but (as in the flaming ninja challenge) there are checkpoints. Even though it wasn't my initial idea there are few parts that may have you stumped. Although none of the challenges are (consiously) based on it, I must note that my motivation was to make a map harder than the Flaming Ninja Challenge.
    Requirements: When you download this map you may notice in the description there are requirements well let me explain those in Detail.
    1) You have 77 lives, that doesn't mean 77 deaths it means you can die up to 76 times. Anymore and you lose.
    2) Under 7 hours remember it's a challenge which usually means prizes which means someone has to watch your video.
    3) You must finish with a sword that has 70% battery, I will let you figure out how to do that.
    4) You must finish with a shotgun don't worry there are 7. They don't respawn but as I said there are seven.
    5) You must do the challenge as a Spartan. This is more of a precaution because the man cannons may not work with Elites.
    6) You must finish the fight (see what I did there) inside of the base at the end. Yes I know the goal point extends into the sky this is only so it can be seen from anywhere on the level. I do realize that the goal is inside a kill ball, and no there are not any bubble sheilds.
    7) You must use the Game type Goku.
    Prizes: I am currently working on what they will be. I am trying to talk to Bungie and see if they will offer anything if not I will see what I can do. I have a low budget but I will probably be able to at least give some Microsoft points to the first to finish. But rest assure they will be a secret reward which will be kept secret. Please note the secret prize is for all who complete the challenge not just the first.
    Password: In the video description (of your triumph obviously) you must remember to put the password in somewhere. The password is "password".
    The Teleporters aren't as easy as they look.
    What remains of a bridge.
    This part may look hard but looks can be decieving. (it's harder than you think)
    This is acceptable, if you are lucky enough to get a peice placed right.
    You only get one shot once you get to here so be careful.
    The finish line well sort of.

    John Freeman looked on ground and found wepon.


    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    In case you cannot see the Screen shots here are links to all of them, in the orders that they appear.

    #1 Mad Max 3331, Aug 30, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009
  2. Mike 9OO1

    Mike 9OO1 Ancient
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    How do you win

    How can you get inside of the kill ball if there is no bubble shield?
  3. Mad Max 3331

    Mad Max 3331 Ancient
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    That is up to you.
  4. GameVenator

    GameVenator Ancient
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    For me, none of the screenshots have come up , you might want to fix that...
  5. Mad Max 3331

    Mad Max 3331 Ancient
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    I'll try.
  6. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Try this. It is a guide for embedding images using photobucket. You are making this out to be very difficult, so I am interested to see some of those screenies.
  7. Mad Max 3331

    Mad Max 3331 Ancient
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    Are they working now?
  8. Mike 9OO1

    Mike 9OO1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Too hard

    I can't even get to the teleporters at the beginning.

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