The Ocarina of Rhyme | Team Teamwork This seems like the best section for this. I hate rap music, but they put it behind LoZ OoT (acronym crazy) music. Sounds pretty good, rap fans should like it, I guess. Best songs, IMO, Lost Woods and Great Fairy's Fountain. Discusss
The two you mentioned were actually pretty good. I also liked the Jay-Z one as well. I have a taste for rap every once in a while. Not to mention that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was like the best game EVARR!! Nice find.
yeah yeah, old old. the only one that's awesome is the meeting the owl music with jay-z, and maybe the hyrule marketplace with common the rest just seem gimmicky.
Oh my ****in god. This is the Win that was foretold in legend... EDIT: And apparently I was slowpoking...