Do you prefer aesthetics that will make noise such as killballs and man canons or just plain old boxes and other items?
No kill balls, maybe man cannons. Though if you can make good aesthetics with blocks and then use lights, that's the best kind.
generaly items thet make noice have a specific purpose, but i can't think of any besides the killball, mancannon, and gravlift. the killball is lame anyway.
I like noise, but there is a limit. If you hear constant explosions with kill balls and gravity lifts and more, then it gets annoying. But I would rather see something cool made out of crates because what can you make out of killballs/mancannons?
kill balls are plain obnoxious, they are extremely bright (which gives me a headache) and they make an annoying Buzzing sound. quiet aesthetics are just plain more entertaining, and they don't give me a headache.
That's the thing Mikelp, if it isn't practical to forge with and someone builds things out of it, it becomes a masterpiece. (AKA Giant Fire Place of Killballs or Double sided man Cannon).
The only aesthetic noises I would use is a killball in the sky bubble with instant respawn fusion coils inside. From the main tier, it sounds like gunshots and fighting from far away, plus it's not visually noticeable.