DEATH RACE 2 Made by Raysfan16 and Newbie2xboxlive Description: This is a challenging map where you try to complete the race on a mongoose while trying to get past the varying obstacles. On this map you will be trying to finish and beat your last time instead of racing. This one is longer, better, and harder than my first map, death race one. This is the very beginning...get on a goose and go! This is the longest jump of the map. Make sure you angle yourself right and get good speed. Don't fall through. Make sure you time this right or else you'll blow. Speed is key. Good luck, you'll need it. Accuracy is key. Impossible? Make this and your done. Link For Downloading: : Halo 3 File Details Will work with any gametype, and is even fun on forge.
wow...there is some insane stunts to pull off in this map, I imagine the one where you have to luck yourself into the tube will be fairly annoying as luck rarely helps me. I'll d/l and try it out
Its cool and all, but This hardly stays true to Death Race (which was one of the most basdass movies I've seen in a long time btw) It seems like this is flaming ninjas for mongooses. Well thats my thought. Cool map idea just the title honestly doesn't fit it