Weapons and what to do with them

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Moran, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    This is basically going to be some guy ranting about what weapons should be on what maps, size wise as well as gameplay... But thats the gist, if weapons aren't your strong point then check this out, i might get it wrong or it could help loads! lets all hope... This mainly works out for slayer/objective stuff as infection is a entirely new ball game. and i'll put nades in as well.

    I will add dont do this by the letter, if i say max 2 one at each base (e.g. sniper) then you have a 3 base map, dont put 2 on and one base is screwed over "because Moran told me"... common sense. now lets enjoy =) :

    Stuff not to include... just because they suck or will kill gameplay:

    Flame throwers:construct has it, yours shouldn't. It generally promotes camping round corners, and even if you get killed after firing you can get an medal/kill for more or less nothing.

    Fire bomb nade: increases lag chances, and unless used well, just creates a block in a hall way which you could jump. also theres no chance of you getting your map into matchmaking!

    What you could include without anyone hating you forever:

    Frags: we start with them, nothing wrong with picking them up, normally in pairs but also the least used nade (other than firebomb) as you could kill someone and just steal theres

    Plasma nades: ah stickies, a personal fav and can work wonders with most map, regardless of size. again in pairs but on smaller maps only one may be needed, so mix it up, just remember as with all nades, too many for one side will unbalance the whole thing. They only stick to infantry/vehicles. Better for infantry

    Spike nades: These are the stickies fatter brother, they stick to anything, so same rules apply as if they were stickies when placing on the map. Better for anti-vehicles

    Nades general:
    USUALLY 2 at any point (not over the top on how many points though, they need to be tactically placed)
    used more on larger maps, but with tweaking could work with small ones,
    never add more than say 6 of each on smaller maps. unless it is nade based. Also never have more than 2 types of nade on your map (this includes frags if you start with them) due to having more means you will need to cycle through and could cause lateness in attack or even throwing the wrong nade.

    ARs: used when going for the standard slayer, place these on the map around point where people may need ammo, this is good for all map sizes and gametypes. The standard. Better for CQC than the Br

    BRs: like i said, the standard is used everywhere but when you need more skill, more power, and more headshots. Look at the AR's big brother the BR. over powering the AR if in the hands of a pro, this is used for extra ammo or if starting with the AR then for a beefed up attack. again the standard for maps, just a higher one at medium range. At CQC the Ar has it though

    Shotguns: First power weapon to be detailed, shottys are used when its close range, but as a power weapon it needs to be used to counter itself, or the sword mainly as its a power weapon, take The Pit for example, 2 shottys and a sword. but only can be camped in the sword room. and no one goes in there if they know some one is camping, its a perfect catch 22 (i hope some people under stood that), you can camp, but someone will always get you in that little room, with nades or another shotty, or a mauler. you map should have max of 2 evenly spread for each base as well as from each other, remember the RiskVReward method.

    Sniper: The long ranged ass that keeps picking you off. Snipers are used for long distance, they need a good LoS and require skill, as most power weapons ('cept that damn sword) do. Max 2 on a map, one at each base (Last Resort), or (e.g. The Pit) 2 in the map which can see each other, to cancel each other out (great for causing snipe offs). Thats the simple thing, also if there high up for good visibility, then dont give them cover as they will hide-snipe-hide camp until someone shoves a shotty somewhere. Which means keep the shotty in a place where you rarely get a shotty-sniper combo.

    SMG: Duals for ODST lovers, SMGs are placed for short-ranged attacks, normally 2 in any spot as duals normally need 2 to be worth picking up. use in small, tight maps which will have close-quarter battles, as on big open maps they are useless. Better than AR for anti-vehicles, and for some the best starting weapon. But all in all a good one. Place near frags also. Use heavily on conquest-type maps and any with one major mash area, because these will come out to play in those games.

    Spikers: Same really as SMG except brute, and can slap some one in the face at medium range if used well, so medium maps would use these as well as small maps. Good with plasma rifles for duels

    Magnum: Fun on Swat type maps where headshots are plenty and health is low, they are good for long distanced if you dont have the Br. Good to place where you need a weapon but dont want a powerful one, and the only duel to have headshot ability. near frags to get a good combo. Good for either duel pistols or a good combo with any other duel wieldable weapon.

    Plasma Pistol: good with vehicles, and annoying people with high health, used on its own full charge to take shields down for the melee. Place sparingly, 0-2 on maps, any size, advising only one on small but 2 could work if you need them to cancel out or compliment each other. This is the most powerful (when charged up) duel weapon as it takes all shields in one hit from only one plasma pistol. That alone is epic, and you see that banshee *bshh* not anymore. It brings all vehicles to a stand still.

    Plasma rifle: like an AR with with dual wield-able abilities it can be good up to medium range, guardian to pit sized maps. Also an alternative to the AR to place in the bases. Plasma weapons are also good for taking down shields so bear that in mind in weapon placement also.

    Needler: The Noobs choice in gameplay, max 2 at either base/near them due to auto lock and i really would advise leaving it out, it does make people groan about maps. But again it can be used to anti short range, anti shotgun. But if you used that then both in the middle but spread (layers or width). The auto lock makes it a semi-power weapon so place near your power weapon. (even though this is placement, i'll add a strafing opponent means its harder to get a kill off from a needler. So perhaps not as powerful as most (including self) thinks)

    Brute Shot: dont use if you dont want people breaking your map, it has jump-increasing abilities so if you only just cant jump out your map, block off better or dont use it.
    It fires nades, use only one on small maps (if any, shottys do the job as small map power weaps) and used to out-do another brute shot, they need to be spaced out from each other though. Place near a medium traffic area.

    Rockets: Standard Middle Power Weapon, big, bad, explosives. The Pit uses this for the first rush (that or the sword). If you want originality maybe mix it up with a Fuel rod instead? But max 1 on any map, one clip, unless its a heavy map (loads of vehicles and power weaps) as its devastating. also no more than 1 clip extra, as otherwise the kill rate will over power easy. If using 2 place each one NEAR a base, with only one clip

    Splazer: Anti vehicle, mainly used for anti-vehicle or anti-sniper, or any-what-ever-the-hell-you-feel-like. Max one, its a power weapon, heavy maps will have 3 (one in each base with one in the middle), and you could swap the snipers for them, as the charge time allows hiding time, so 2 if theres no sniper (as splazers replace) or 1 in the middle for the power weap. Once again (as with flame thrower) Construct allows itself to ignore this rule. oh well

    Sword: *sighs* short ranged, small-medium map only (or in large maps-little-tunnel-systems-or-huge-ass-buildings... like The Pit) its a power weap so lay off going OTT. place in the middle or (once again) The Pit uses it to make a unique 2 power weapon layout, which works well with snipers coving the entrance/exit of the sword room. so sword users could be picked off. Or naded the hell out of. Place in a room where it can be used effectively rather than in open areas as that too big a RvR factor, most would be killed before getting there

    Turrets (both): Use as defense (High ground-like) for defense games (one flag/one bomb or to defend both bases (stand off, The Pit, Sandtrap elephants) or in rooms to defend territories. but on the outside of bases are normal, and as in the Pit and Standoff you might want them to be able to defend against the other one. Try placing near where someone can rip it off and find cover.

    Grav Hammer: Powerful, compliments the sword/sometimes shotty, sometimes kept out the way (Guardian) but in a medium-traffic place. Guardian manages to make it easy to reach, medium-traffic, but away from most fights, so you have to lug it around for a while, keep that in mind, and test out different amounts on your map, could be interesting

    Carbine: Same as the BR, just covie like. nuff said. BRs are more popular, but for some variety try out the carbine as it has a higher rate of fire

    Fuel Rod: Just fancy rockets, except they bounce, They're good against infantry, although they take more than one shot to kill, rockets have a blast area and then nothing, fuel rods keep giving out the pain (2 shot rocket 6 (i think) shot fuel rod gun) If used on a vehicle then its more likely to kill the person inside and leave the vehicle useable still (yay for you) so bear that in mind as that alone could swing games.

    Beam Rifle: Sniper, just used when you dont want to use the sniper. Use mainly on aesthetic maps as when theres only one placed, this works but if you have 2 snipers? go for a sniper.

    Sentinel beam: rarely used, its a continuos beam, like a splazers baby brother, sort of. could have 2 on a small map, and 6 on mediums but few are ever used,=( so to be normal and fit the trend dont use it, but to test it out and maybe be unique in weapon placement check it out. Its a demon at medium range, so too many BRs? try one of these bad boys.

    Missile Pod: Only use when countering vehicles max one at each base e.g. valhalla.

    I trust i wont need to mention vehicles, as there more obvious. Comment on what you think need changing and i'll do my best =)

    also i wanted this in forge 101. but it wouldn't let me post anything. help?

    Updates contributed by:
    The Moran
    halo kid
    SVV33T SAUC3
    #1 The Moran, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only critique I have for you is that you're recommended number of certain weapons to be placed on maps, particularly grenades, it way too high. Other than that... very nice guide. I'm sure some people will find this extremely helpful when trying to balance their maps with weapons.
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Magnums: I used to think magnums were useless but recently I found out that a lot of people use them when they dont have BRs. They are long range and 5 headshots to kill.

    Fuel Rod: Terrible on infantry because they bounce off the ground and require multiple hits to kill someone. Best used for rolling vehicles over. In Halo 2 Fuel Rods were equivalent to rockets. Now they are too different.

    Missle Pods: One shot kill against infantry. Ive seen this used to kill people many times.

    Splaze: There are 3 lasers on heavy maps. Base, Base and Middle.
  4. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    ok alex, updating now =) if everyone keeps adding then this will be all of forgehub's knowledge
  5. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    The fuelrod is actually a good weapon for taking out infantry. Espcially if they are behind a window. Also good combos are fuelrod br and fuelrod magnum. Thanks.

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    A very good guide you have there but i do believe a sniper does not always needs to be spawned in an area with good lineof sight.

    I think it would be better if you put that snipers should be put near positions where players would like to take them. (the pit is a good example) and that if there are 2 snipers on a map forgers could put both in positions where when players pick them up they could get stuck into a snipe off.

    You could also add a foot note under each weapon about ideal spwn rates and extra clips.
  7. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    Sorry you may have miss read, i ment they need placing on maps with a good LoS, as in if everything is close lines of sight, they're pointless, still, updating it anyway...
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    pretty sweet guide; short, sweet, and to the point.

    the only thing i would recomend adding are points on the fuel rod and sentinal beams emphasizing how beastly they are. even though the fuel rod gun takes 2 shots, it still has a bigger clip than the rocket launcher. and the sentinal beam is by far the best medium range weapon.
  9. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    very opinionated, but the fuel rod and sentinal beam are both under-used in maps, the guide doesnt say not to use them, just that they aren't used very often in maps, i do agree they are bad ass but in the guide i keep preferences out unless its the general players favs
    #9 The Moran, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  10. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    I cant say I completely agree with this,let me break it down.

    I cant say I perticuarly like this,I dont think that the flame thrower really promotes campings,as when you camp with this,you are exposed even more,since you dont turn as fast. Usefull if you need a short range weapon and the sword,shotty,or hammer dont work.

    I cant say this creates more lag,and its quite easy to use,even if it isnt a direct hit. A good alternative to the stickies if its a small map.

    this is far from the lest used nade,its used to deplete shields to open up headshots,and to kill enemys behind cover.
    for the most part this is true,you might want to add how these differ from spikes.
    these fly at a differant tragectory,you mat want to mention that these are better for vehicles,and plasma's work better on people.
    this is true,I would mention that the frag is the only one to bounce,andf not kill if contact is made.
    yet againt correct,you might want to mention the constant realoading and power n CQB.
    I dont like when people steriotype this is the best. and the AR came first. mention that the AR is better for close combat,and this is beter for medium to long range.
    I agree with this completely,probobly the best part of the guide.
    I sa to the cont rare,you need cover to snipe,or else you are doomed.keep away from shottys,because they make one of the best combo's.
    they are good against vehicles compared to the AR. and they make the best starting weapons. they are worth picking up alone,if you put a set of grenades next to them.
    Im not the biggest fan of the spicker,so Im not going to say much here exept that they work well with a plasma rifle. add that.
    I sa they work great to fill up a space where you need a weapon,but dont have anything. put with a set of frags and you have a good combo. also the only head shot able duel weld weapon.
    honestly,i think the plasma pistal is one of the best dualweldable weapons,and the vehicle effect is fantastic. same with the magnam but put with plasma nades.
    a good alternative to the AR,put one or two in each base for a good effect.
    why does everyone hate this gun? I suggest putting ne near power weapons its a semi power weapon,so it works.
    the other semi power weapon. and you can break out of maps to bad with them,I suggest putting near key points with medium traffic.
    I agree with ou here,the power is over whelming,I suggest only one in the middle or unless its a big map,one near (not in) each base with one clip.
    why you hate on construct? its a good anti plaer weapon. only one or two,in the middle or each base respectively
    give it a room,not out in the open. a power weapon needs to be where it can be used where its picked up,not in the open. leave them nedeable though.
    use one in each base,or one in a nuetral base.put where you can get off and behind cover easily.
    agreed,your right on this two,If I was you I would make a CQB guide,for forging and combat scenarios.
    I dont disagree with what you said,but you might want to add the faster fire rate,it makes a difference.
    Its good against vehicles to,it is more likely to kill them without destroying the vehicle its self.
    use in games with only one sniper,its more inclined to asymmetric gametypes.
    Its a beast at medium range,and is ood at close range. A good alternative if you need a medium range weapon.

    just use one in each base,one in the middle doesnt work so well.
  11. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    I've read and experienced many laggy games are caused (or at least worsened) by these, and are not as used unless its infection. Spike nades are for small maps if some chose not to use stickies. And the point about matchmaking stands.

    ok the quotes could fill most of a page, but i'll state:
    [weapon] your point
    - my responce

    [frag] this is far from the lest used nade,its used to deplete shields to open up headshots,and to kill enemys behind cover.
    - I ment it is the least used when placing on a map, as most games involve you starting with one, some maps differ and use these where they need bounce (which i will update and add there the only bouncing ones).

    [stickies] for the most part this is true,you might want to add how these differ from spikes.
    -nuff said, but the spike nades bit already covers the difference

    [spike nades] these fly at a differant tragectory,you mat want to mention that these are better for vehicles,and plasma's work better on people.
    - updating the anti infant/vehicle thing

    [ARs] yet againt correct,you might want to mention the constant realoading and power n CQB.
    - updating

    [BRs] I dont like when people steriotype this is the best. and the AR came first. mention that the AR is better for close combat,and this is beter for medium to long range.
    - I wasn't stereotyping. I myself am a AR man, but until you get close enough the BR wins everytime in a 1 on 1. But updating...

    [shot guns]
    I agree with this completely,probobly the best part of the guide.
    - no complaints *high 5's*

    [sniper] I sa[y?] to the cont rare,you need cover to snipe,or else you are doomed.keep away from shottys,because they make one of the best combo's.
    -agreed, but if in good cover it will be hard to take out, i put place in open as that would increase the RvR. But the keep away from shotty? updating.

    [SMG] they are good against vehicles compared to the AR. and they make the best starting weapons. they are worth picking up alone,if you put a set of grenades next to them.
    - really? updating.

    [Spiker] m not the biggest fan of the spicker,so Im not going to say much here exept that they work well with a plasma rifle. add that.
    - thats where we differ as well, me loves some duel spikers! but updating.

    [Magnums] sa they work great to fill up a space where you need a weapon,but dont have anything. put with a set of frags and you have a good combo. also the only head shot able duel weld weapon.
    -.... once again point proven, updating.

    [plasma pistol] honestly,i think the plasma pistal is one of the best dualweldable weapons,and the vehicle effect is fantastic. same with the magnam but put with plasma nades.
    -holy f*** i forgot the duel wield thing! updating....

    [plasma rifle] a good alternative to the AR,put one or two in each base for a good effect.
    -*sighs at self* updating

    [needler] why does everyone hate this gun? I suggest putting ne near power weapons its a semi power weapon,so it works
    - why? why? because the noobs can get easy kills, the auto lock thing takes the difficulty away more than you ever should. I'm updating but only adding near power weaps thing

    [brute shots] the other semi power weapon. and you can break out of maps to bad with them,I suggest putting near key points with medium traffic.
    - I have said all i need to say, my OP says it can break out of maps so either block off or dont use them. The medium traffic thing will be updated though.

    [rockets] I agree with ou here,the power is over whelming,I suggest only one in the middle or unless its a big map,one near (not in) each base with one clip.
    -yay, no more updating....wait? what? more updating? son of a....

    [splazer]why you hate on construct? its a good anti plaer weapon. only one or two,in the middle or each base respectively
    -anyone else not know what a plaer is? no update. unless you re-post explaining

    [sword] give it a room,not out in the open. a power weapon needs to be where it can be used where its picked up,not in the open. leave them nedeable though.
    -agreed, updating.

    [turrets (both)] use one in each base,or one in a nuetral base.put where you can get off and behind cover easily.
    -hmm...i've covered the bases, but the cover thing will be added.

    [hammer] agreed,your right on this two,If I was you I would make a CQB guide,for forging and combat scenarios.
    - yay no updates *dances*, maybe but right now if people post as you do, i'll be updating this for a while... if this is popular then who knows.

    [carbine] I dont disagree with what you said,but you might want to add the faster fire rate,it makes a difference.
    - yes, updating (will be for hours now)

    [fuel rod] Its good against vehicles to,it is more likely to kill them without destroying the vehicle its self.

    [beam rifle] use in games with only one sniper,its more inclined to asymmetric gametypes

    [sentinel beam] Its a beast at medium range,and is [g?]ood at close range. A good alternative if you need a medium range weapon
    - updating

    [missile pod]....screw it updating.....

    Thanks for the feedback!
    #11 The Moran, Aug 26, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  12. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    thats true because if u can see alot of the map map at once especially with the sniper that can make them camp more and get easy kills.

    try to aviod putting a sniper where u can see alot of the map at once.
  13. Niddo

    Niddo Ancient
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    There was a topic about this on the bungie boards. Strafing > auto lock. It's actually quite difficult to get a kill with a needler against a player that actually moves to the side. They are very usable in hallways, like the pit hallway, but out in the open? Nearly useless. I would think one or two in a map with hallways would be good, each carrying only one clip maybe.
  14. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    thats fairly new to me, come to think of it that does make sense though, updated :D
  15. apesap0

    apesap0 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great guide, but there are some minor things you could add, or change.

    You may want to add that you can not have more than two types of nades present on the map, or people will start to cycle through their nades to find the right one, and by then have missed the opportunity, or they throw a frag grenade at someone's head thinking it was a sticky.

    Dump the space, makes it look more professional.

    Magnums are great weapons to dual-wield, combining with a plasma rifle to take the shield down, making the final headshot with the magnum.
    Also, dual-wield magnum owns. Believe me, I have tried.

    You might want to include the fact that plasma weapons are more effective against shields than human/brute weapons.

    Sentinel beams are awesomeness, its a shame that noone uses them. I will definately use them on my next map, might even make a mini-game around them.

    Well, great thread, and I am certain many people will benefit from it. Its kinda sad that this thread was disappearing to the 2nd page of forge discussion, where it has a smaller chance of being replied upon. Damn those stickies!
  16. Atik

    Atik Ancient
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    SMGs are the best starting weapon in all of Halo. Team Duels is the best gametype in matchmaking. The ODST SMG needs a removable silencer.

    That is all.
  17. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Couple things:
    • Theres a sword on construct, which is a large map without small rooms/buildings.
    • The sword on longshore spawns out in the open, but we don't know how that plays yet.
  18. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I have to agree with your OP that construct has the worst weapon set ever. Flamethrower, Laser, Sword, Snipe, Missle Pod.... It's random and their locations make no sense.
  19. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have some counters for that...
    • the lift rooms sort of count, they do provide cover/possible camping grounds
    • If longshore disproves this rule it'll be added to this saying it played well, or it'll be used to show where open swords dont work... I'll update when the time comes to it

    also: UPDATED!! :D

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