Hey I'm currently trying to decide which university to go to, I am trying to decide between doing Marine Biology at Aberdeen university or Marine Science at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) in the SAMS campus, so I'm wondering if anyone has gone to either of these Uni's or done one of the courses that could tell me a little about it that I would'nt find in the prospectus? Thanks
Wrong place to ask indigo, try looking at any facebook groups for these places. With regards as to which course you should chose, think to yourself 'Could I spend hours everyday reading books about this?' because thats exactly what you'll be doing. To attend a course at university ( and do well ) you have to be really motivated and interested in the topic your studying, otherwise your wasting your time and money. I was at a party last night where my friend revealed to us that he hates university and isn't going back, instead hes living in an abbey in the mountains of korea ( hes of korean descent ) for the next 5 months. So only chose a place and course which you think is right for you.
Well I would check facebook but I dont use online social networks, also I've only ever wanted to go to university after high school so I have the motivation, As for tuition fee's they'll be paid by the UCAS organization since higher education is free here in scotland. The only thing I have to worry about is living expenses and things like books. These are things I've already taken into account so I'm not wondering about they things only a bit about the universities themselves because I dont really know anyone that has done these courses or gone to these universities so I thought I'd get some info off people on the internet, this isnt the only place I've asked about this I've been looking all over the internet for information about the 2 universities, I'm lined to visit them both on different days next week aswell. Although I value your opinion knarly I've already thought of the things you said and I know I have the motivation, the money and also the need for a higher education since I know its the only way for me to get a job that I would actually enjoy.
I may have come across a little harsh there, that wasn't intended. Still a bit peeved/bemused about my friend's revelations and the fact that I won't see him for a long time. Sounds like you are ready to go, and for the right reasons. I wish you all the best with whatever you pick.
thanks, sorry to hear about your friend, I have to move away from my all my frineds no matter where I go but I guess thats the price for education
It's also part of the experience. Having to live away from home, make new friends. University is where you really "find yourself". Excuse the philosophy! Anyhoo, don't know anything about those particualr uni's, so can't help you there!