Just another Arkham Asylum sig to continue what I want to be a series, which I then want to turn into a rotator sig lol.
thats a good idea.. anyways, i like your style.. his neck looks weird though.. that blue thing.. but other than that, the lighting is good, its sharpened well, and the background fits really well.. no flow though.. otherwise.. great job as usual!
I like this one, but i don't like the text, maybe just remove it. Anyway, you and me seem to do the same thing lol. I remember when you and i were making watchmen sigs left and right.
@Knight: Yea I like the idea too lol. And I'm not sure whats with his neck. I think it was somewhat there in the stock and all of my effects just amplified it I guess. @Hells: Thanks but what glowy effect really? @Lock: Lulz I remember that. The game is just too awesome to not want sigs made of it lol.... still need a better scarecrow sig.
Yeah just use the stocks i gave you, cuz i'm starting to like the current style. I made one using one of the stocks but didn't post it because it kinda sucked. Spoiler Anyway, keep up the good work.
I thought a rule of art was never center it.. Don't like it being center, but the effects are nice. Not a huge fan of the text, I think it could look better without it. I agree with KK about the neck thing, and I don't like the little pixels squares in the corners that pop out from the border. Otherwise, looks good.
There are quite a few exceptions. Every sig works differently. However, I think, for this sig, the rule needs to be followed.
Good point, however, I find that the majority of the CnCing populace will agree that there are more good sigs that follow the "Rule of Thirds" than ones that don't. All in all, I mean.
Well as awesome as this debate is... I know I didn't do a good job with focal placement, but he was focused right in the middle of the stock, and I thought the way he was posed and all looked better centered than to the side. But I agree that most of the time, the rule of thirds is right.